Had my bloods results today for vitamins and others.....
d2 + d3 80nmol/L 75-200nmol/L optimal
serum folate 14.0ug/L 4.6-18.7
feritin 47ug/L 13-150
serum vit b12 790ng/L (191-663) abnormal
i take 1000 mcg b12 ...think i should stop taking them
my serum ALT level 56u/L (9-52) abnormal
will be filed as :56u/L
bilirubin is 8umol/L (3-22)
alkaline phosphatase 66 u/L 30-126
serum total protein 69g/L 63-82
serum albumin 44g/L (35-50
i am also over weight, can b12 cause a elavation? or can the alt level cause b12 to be high?
what can i do about these high levels? Does hypothyroidism cause abnormal alt levels to raise?
Can i do anything diet wise to help?