Graves’, TT 2011 on 100/125mcg. Active and aggressive TED, 52.
Returning from the Endo visit and being dismissed for the second time in two years, I have been told I am hyper despite knowing I am hypo and to reduce my meds.
I had to fight to get back to see an Endo based on bloods I paid for myself in January this year. Waited until April for an appointment. Seen an Endo that showed interest and requested all the tests I could have hoped for and on my return to get the results seen a complete and utter idiot who didn’t look at any of the bloods and kept saying your are over medicated. I see people like you all the time and I know you are over medicated and everything you are feeling is due to being overmedicated. Grrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh…..
So my mother had pituitary failure and I now recognise she had Graves’ that was undiagnosed. I mention this because I fear I will end up with pituitary failure. She also had PA.
Mr Nice Endo ordered and completed the following tests.
24hr Urine Creat. 9.3 mmol (6.0-13.0)
24 Urine Cortisol 54 nmol ( 10-147)
Synacthen Test
Time Cortisol
8.45 549
9.15 844
9.15 927
Oestradiol reference range : Follicular phase 72-729, Mid cycle 234-1309, Luteal phase 205-786. Post menopause <118pmol
Oestradiol 3595 pmol/l
Luteinising hormone
FSH &LH guide Follicular FSH 3-10, LH 2-13, Mid-cycle FSH 3-33, LH 9-76 Luteal FSH 2-9, LH <17, menopausal FSH >22
LH 36.3 U/L
FSH 169.1 U/L
Thyroid Ab(TPO)
Thyroid antibodies screen is positive
Thyroid Ab (TPO) 177.2
TSH 0.04 (0.5-4.78)
T4 21 (9-23)
T3 4.2 (3.5-6.5)
It is imperative that I try to keep my TSH supressed to help with my eyes. Since having my thyroid out I have been on 150 mcg to 100 mcg and my T4 number alters but my T3 stays roughly the same. Both Endo said no need for T3 meds.
Mr idiot Endo looked at the TSH and said, you are over medicated reduce to 100 mcg. I said but my eyes are bad. He said oh yes, well, reduce when your eyes are better. I said something is wrong and my antibodies are not going down? I asked do I have Hashimoto as well as Graves’. He said you’ve got antibodies, it doesn’t matter which ones!.... He said he was passing me back to the GP.
Also out of range bloods
RBC 3.69 (4.20-5.40)
PCV 0.348 (0370-0.470)
MCH 32.8 (27.0-32.0)
Vit D was low so supplementing. Folate in range but low, ferritin pretty good. B12 active test well in range but supplementing anyway.
What do I do about the high estrogen and how does that affect me? Do have Hashi’s and does that affect things?