I increased Levo 8 weeks ago from 75mcg to 100 mcg and after a couple of weeks felt a bit better but feel I have now gone backwards. I have just had my bloods taken and nurse agreed to request T3 to be tested although G.P had not requested it (She said oh blow it lets request the full lot which I thought was great) but I'm not holding my breath that the lab will do it but I will let you know the outcome.
Whilst I was there I asked about my Iron level as although I have received results from my last tests for Vit B12 Vit D Folate Ferritin and Calcium I did not get a Iron result, when I rang the surgery the receptionist said the Iron test was the Ferritin one, another time a different receptionist said my blood count level was O.K. and that's the most important one and that was it. Today Nurse just said it had not been done last time as it should have been specifically requested and was not and if they thought it needed doing from the other results they would have picked up on it and requested a test after that. Does anyone know if this is right? I am just wondering as I am still not feeling right if Iron is the missing link.
My last results were Vit B12 377 Folate 5.3 Ferritin 88 Vit D 22 Calcium 2.41
I am supplementing Vit B12 and Vit D
Many thanks browny