I went to see my GP today it was supposedly to review some blood tests for things like Vit D after he diagnosed me Hypo nearly 4 weeks ago after i gave him these private blood results.
FREE THYROXINE 17.3 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0
FREE T3. 3.7 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8
D.H.E.A. Sulphate 2.8 umol/L 0.26 - 11.0
25 OH Vitamin D * 26 nmol/L 50 - 200
Interpretation of results:
Deficient <25 nmol/L
Insufficient 25 - 49 nmol/L
Normal Range 50 - 200 nmol/L ENDOCRINOLOGY
Thyroglobulin Antibody 52.7 IU/mL 0-115(Negative)
Method used for Anti-Tg: Roche Modular
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 11.5 IU/mL 0 - 34
Method used for Anti-TPO: Roche Modular .
He asked how I was, I said i had been feeling bit better, he seemed surprised and asked me why i felt better. I said i have put it down to the thyroxin. He said it was a very small dose so he was surprised I felt better. I said I did not say i was better but that I had felt a bit better i.e felt better in the mornings but tired in the afternoons still. He lead the conversation into a discussion about my depression!!! I said i was not depressed and had said so at our last appointment. He asked me how my concentration was I said yes I still found it difficult to concentrate. He nodded and proceeded to tell me why anti depressants would help me!!! i repeated i was not depressed and closed the conversation by asking about my blood results.
He went through them and said they were "normal" my husband who was with me said what about the red flag. Oh that that is normal.
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count 4.89 (3.80 4.8010 *12/L)
He persisted on my behalf bless him, he said he noticed some of the levels are at the bottom of the ranges.
Plasma Feritin Level 21 (11 - 307.00 ug/l)
For this effrontery we were treated to a dialogue on it being normal for me so is normal and therefore is just normal, blar, blar, blar!
Full blood results
Plasma glucose level 4.7 (impaired fating 4.0 - 6.0)
Plasma Folate Level 14.2 (3.20 - 25.90ug/L
Serum Vitamin B12 408 ng/L (B12 > 160ng/L B12 deficiency excluded)
Plasma Feritin Level 21 (11 - 307.00 ug/l)
Liver Function test
Plasma total protein 73 (60.00 - 80.00g/L)
Plasma total biirubin Level 17 (0.00 - 20.00 umol/L)
Plasma ALT Level 9 (7.00 35.00 iu/L(37C))
Bone Proile
Plasma Calcium Level 2.51 mmol/L
Plasma corrected Calcium Level 2.46mmol/L (2.20 2.60mmol/L
Plasma albumin Level 43 g/L (35.00 - 50.00 ug/L)
Plasma alk phosphatse level 57 U/L (30.00 - 130.00 U/L)
Renal Profile
Plasma sodium level 137 (133.00 - 146.00 mmol/L)
Plasma urea Level 6.2 mmol/L (2.50 -7.80 mmol/L
Plasma creatinine Level 91 (53 -97 umol/L)
GFR calculated abbreviatd MDRD 58 mL/min/1.73m2
Full blood count
Hemoglobin estimation 145 g/L (120 -150)
Total white cell count 5.8 10*9/L (4.00 - 11.0010*9/L)
Platelet count 227 (150 - 400.00)
Neutrophil count 3.1 (2.00 7.5010*9/L)
Lymphocyte count 2.0 (1.50 - 4.0010*9/L)
Monocyte count 0.4 10*9/L (0.20 - 1.0010*9/L)
Eosinophil count 0.3 10*9/L (0.00 - 5.0010*9/L)
Basophil count 0.00 10*9/L (0.00 - 0.1010*9/L)
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count 4.89 (3.80 4.8010 *12/L)
Packed Cell Volume 0.412 L/t (0.36 - 0.46L/t
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 84.3ft (80.00 - 100.00 fL)
Mean corpuscular haeolobin(MCH) 29.7pg (27.00 - 32.00pg)
Mean corpuscular Hb/ conc (MCHC) 3553 g/t (320.00 - 360.00 g/L)
Vitamin D was not back yet!!
I asked about a repeat prescription and blood test for thyroid function he said I needed to wait 6 weeks but he would give me a form. He lead the discussion into my sex hormone levels. I said I was waiting for them to settle down as the thyroixin and progesterone cream seemed to have affected them. He nodded sagely and said I definitely needed them done so would add them to the thyroid blood test. I said last time you wanted it done on day 21 he said on lets do it anyway to get a base line. My husband chipped in and insisted T3 was tested to check conversion he was given an irritated look but the doctor did add it to the form.
He closed by saying I needed to come back after the blood test as I may be on too much thyroxin so he would wait to give me the free perscription form!!!!!!!
I left with the distinct impression he wants to label me a depressed menopausal women and take me off thyroxin.
I feel totally let down and am now inclined to used hard won savings and go private or self treat.
May be he's right.... however I am freezing with it being 20 ouutside and sleep with two duvets. Is that from depression?