Hi all. I have just got hold of my test printout for the last bloods I had done. I did ask for the last two lots, but that was all I got. I had sn appointmeng with the endo, for the rnd of Octobet, but that has been brought forward to Thursday next. I am having a short Syacthen test to check my cortisol reserves.
Some of the test results go over my head, some I understand. I will put them up as they appear, with ranges where appropriate. Some are printed in bold, with an exclamation mark. I cant do bold, but the exclamation mark should be clear enough. Here goes.
! Full blood count -FBC - (ALD238) mild anaemia
Total white cell count 7.03 10*9/L 4.20 - 10.8010*9/L
Red blood cell count. 4.01 10*12/L 3.90 - 5.6010*12/L
! Haemoglobin est. 117 g/L 120.00 - 160.00 g/L
Haematocrit 0.365. 0.36 - 0.46
Platelet count. 261 10*9/L 150.00- 400.00 10*9/L
MCV 91.0 fL 82.00 - 104.00 fL
MCH. 29.2 pg. 27.00 - 32.00 pg
MCH 321 gL. 320 - 360.00 gL
Red blood cell distribution width
13.4 11.50 - 16.00
Neutrophil count 4.48 10*9/L 2.00 - 7.5010*9/L
Lymphocyte count. 1.81 10*9/L. 1.50 - 3.5010*9/L
Monocyte count. 0.42 10*9/L. 0.20 - 0910*9/L
Eosinophil count. 0.15 10*9/L. 0.02 - 0.5010*9/L
! Basophil count 0.01 10*9/L. 0.02 - 0.1010*9L
Large stained cells 0.16 10*9L. 0.00 - 0.1610*9/L
Serum free T4 - (ALD238) - satisfactory, 13.8 pmol/L
No action
(Note change to provisional range as of 19/01/12
New provisional range 7.2 - 20.0 pmol/l
Serum Vit B 12 - (ALD238) - task note sent
250 ng/L 120 - 625.00 ng/L
Serum prolactin level -(ALD238) - 181 miu/l
Satisfsctory. No action
Female 50y 71-566 mui/l
Serum folate satisfsctory, no action 9.5 ug/L
Serum ferritin
satisfactory, no action 78 ug/L 11.00 - 307.00 ug/L
Serum free T3 satusfactory, no action 4.3 pmol/L 3.80 - 6.00 pmol
Serum cortisol normal, no action 234 nmol/L
Provisional ranges
0.700hr - 1000hr 185 - 632 nmol
1600hr - 2000hr 276 nmol/l
! Serum TSH level overreplaced as before
0.06 mu/l. 0.34 - 5.60 mu/l
Please analyse fot - (ALD238) - await paper report.
Please return report to Immunology, Musgrove Park Hospital.
Se thyroid petoxidase Ab conc
Satusfactory, no action 1.0 IU/ml - 0.00 - 8.00IU/ ml
Serum magnesium no action
0.8 mmol/L 0.70 - 1.00 mmol
! Serum Urea abd electrolytes no action
Serum sodium. 142 mmol/L 136.00 - 145.00mmol/L
Serum potassium 4.2 mmol/L. 3.50 - 5.00 mmol/L
! Serum urea level. 8.8 mmol/L 2.50 - 6.60 mmol/L
Serum creatinine. 73 umol/L. 50.00 - 100.00 umol/L
Liver function satisfactory, no action
! Serum bilirubin level 4 umol/L. 5.00 - 17.00 umol/L
Serun alkaline phosphatase. 77 u/L. 25.00 - 110.00 u/L
Serum albumen 4- g/L. 35.00 - 50.00 g/L
There you have it. If anybody can make any sense of it zi'd live to know. I sm absolutely hanging this evening, and was struggling towards the end. If there's anything that doesnt make sense, I'll recheck.
Thanks everybody x