Daily Chit chat Thursday 18th April - Quit Support

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Daily Chit chat Thursday 18th April

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER
14 Replies

Good Morning all.

Sunny here is Berkshire...but for how long. Glad to report work pc all working and virus free. Sorry to hear of the tragic blast in Texas...thoughts go out to all, so very sad :-(

First cuppa seemed to have vanished so I'll put the kettle back on. I know you want one so I'll make you a cuppa too! :D :D :D

Photo is of a real cat....:-)

Sue xx

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bunnyrabbit profile image
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14 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Bunny sue,

What an unusual picky. Weather here in Yorkshire is sun,rain and gale force wind all at the same time. Horrid night listening to the gales. Hope it settles down soon.

Have a lovely day. xxxx

sue52 profile image

Good morning Bunny Sue, Jillygirl and everyone,

My laptop went down yesterday, thankfully it's all fixed now due to my son in law :)

It's nice and sunny here but windy, no gales though, we had that yesterday, I love your cat photo Sue, it's really unusual but cute :) I'll have a cuppa, thank you, i'm a right tea jenny :D :D :)

I hope your weather improves Jillygirl, it sounds horrid, you just stay cosy and warm till then :)

Have a great day everyone :) xxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

I have been thinking how stopping smoking can benefit people in different ways.

I know we have mentioned the obvious of benefits to our bodies.

However I used to work as a carer for the nhs.

Some of the patients I had, suffered in different ways due to smoking.

One gentleman had m.s. and as his condition got worse , he couldn`t hold a cigarette

and he would have burns on his clothing , due to dropping his cigarette. If it dropped on to the carpet or chair he had a bottle of water to throw over it. What a hazard.

Eventually he had to stop. But he found it very hard.

Another patient was epileptic, he also drank a lot , when he had a fit he would be found on the floor with a cigarette still smoking in the ashtray.

Another patient i had , had motor neuron disease, he too struggled to stop when his body weakened.

I myself was so glad I had quit before I found out about my lung cancer. At least I didnt have to

contend with quitting at the same time as having my lung removed.

These are just a few examples of ways smoking can be a problem and a hazard.

EmJay profile image

Afternoon All,

I hope you are all having a nice day and enjoying the thought of having a nice sun shiny weekend that may be on it's way 8)

That's really unusual markings Sue, is it your pet cat? :-)

Hope you have a nice 10 minute walk today Sue, before the windy weather starts up again :-/

Jillygirl, that's quite interesting actually. Imagine being prepared with water in case you set yourself alight :-/ According to figures from the Department for Communities and Local Government, around 2,800 fires in the UK were caused by smoking materials in 2008 -101 people died and 932 were injured :-/

If anybody is still thinking about quitting, remember that planning and preparing towards your quit date will ensure an easier ride and a more successful outcome.

For those of you who have already quit, don't forget to stay positive and remember that the more cravings that you overcome, the closer you are to leading a smokefree lifestyle without any problems :D

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to EmJay

Hi EmJay

The cat pic was sent to me as it was a friend of a friends. So odd it's lovable!

Sue x

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

You are so right Jillygirl, I have smoking whilst having treatment for breast cancer and it has been very hard. Don't know whether side affects are from treatment and meds or from stopping smoking.

it is quite frightening reading some of your past patients, how lucky they have been not to have started a fire.

The weather here in Derbyshire is a mixture, didn't sleep last night for the wind, things were blowing about all over the yard and garden. Don't know how many bins ended up in the road because it was collection day today.

Love the picture bunny sue will try to sent it to my friend who rescues cats to see if she has ever seen anything like her/him, she will want to rehome him.

Hope you enjoyed your cuppa Sue, I love my tea but it has been suggested that I go on a dairy free diet, don't know how I will manage, have some SOYA milk at the moment but it isn't the same.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone. Take care and keep smiling suec xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Thanks John my Jessica will dancing to that. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

I will try him with that when I see him. :)

EmJay profile image

Afternoon Everyone,

That's lovely music John, I listened to it via my work headphone earlier. Thank you :-)

Loving your Daffodil Jillygirl :-) How is Chico settling in now?

Hey Simba Sue, what kind of side effects have you been getting? With regards to your tea, have you tried black tea? At home I only use fresh tea and have many different types, some of them are so much more quench thirsting without milk too :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Chico settling in fine. nor very tidy though. Jayne says he gets his grit ad throws it everywhere. ( Least they wont slip it its snowing, :D :D )

So now Jayne the eldest has 3 birds. and Sarah has 1 rabbit. both granddaughters don't get a look in. :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to EmJay

Thanks Emjay will try black tea, it is something I have never really fancied, but may be a lot better than it looks.

As far as side affects are concerned, just feeling general under the weather, aches and pains, indigestion and sickness. Spoke to a friend who stopped smoking last year and she said she had an horrendous first few months. Take care suec xx

EmJay profile image

I'm sure I meant 'thirst quenching' then !! :-/

andi22 profile image

Good evening everyone, isn't it nice having these light evenings and mornings? I think the wind's finally dying down.

Suebun, that's some spooky looking cat - I guess if it's your own you get used to it but what a mixture! :o

Suec, have you tried green tea? I don't like all those weird/fruity teas myself but I can drink the green stuff - you have to drink it quite hot though otherwise it doesn't taste too good. It also does lots of other good things for you - even helps with loosing weight! :o :D :D

andi22 profile image

Hi JC, don't think you can eat these as they're made for plumbers! :D :D


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