DAILY CHAT / TUESDAY / 17/07/2012 - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT / TUESDAY / 17/07/2012

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
24 Replies

Good morning all, Hope you are all well and still smokefree.

BIG WELL DONE! to Dawn 6 weeks of being a non smoker. Dawn you must be so proud of yourself. :)

Sure2 should be on her way on holiday. Just think instead of buying duty free ciggys, she can treat herself to perfume or something nice. :)

Andi love, I hope your ok, miss our little early morning chats. :(

Pete the love of my life. ha ha! Hope you didnt work too hard last night. and those piggys were fast asleep. :O

Emjay about the pic. It wasnt on any particular site , I typed in images of lungs and that came up. I think that was to do with tobacco labels. I do get some sites which are good so will post them to you next time. :)

As you can see from the pic today where I went yesterday. Yes it rained until 2 then it picked up. had a lovely day. Last time I went there just over 3 months ago I was a smoker. It really has gone quick.

Will call back later. xx :)

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jillygirl profile image
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24 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Morning Jillygirl, sounds as if you had a nice day out yesterday gal, even though it rained :) gosh it must be about 8 -- 9 years ago when i went to Blackpool last, went to Southport 3 years ago, thats alright if you like gold & silver flippin loads of jewellers their.

You know what Jillygirl, i didnt notice them piggies last night gal, thankyou for asking :)

Speak soon Pete :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Pete, glad those piggies kept at bay. Strange how they dont bother you sometimes , and other times keep knocking at the door. I am finding they dont bother me too much now. As for Southport better be careful talking about there, nearly on Emjays patch. he he!

Will see you soon. xx:)

andi22 profile image

Coming from down souh, I thought that as the Eiffel Tower til I read your blogs! :o

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

:D :D your as daft as i am gal :P

Morning Andi

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

OH pete yer asking for bother. sayig that. lol. :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

I luv bother, hmmm maybe not Andi's bother though eh, think i had best scarper, may be safer :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Oh Andi that made me chuckle. :D

Hope your ok. see you in a bit.

andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly and Pete. Am feeling much better now thanks, especially as it looks like we may have a touch of ........spring? / summer? this morning. Better speak quietly or it'll go back in again! 8-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Glad your getting back on track. we really feel for you when your not your usual self. Like you say possible that that yellow round thing in the sky may make an appearance. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning you lovely Folk :-)

Both Claire and I are delivering training today so will be around during break and lunch time :-)

Yesterday was ever so quiet on here, Mary Celeste springs to mind ;-) I also had a quiet night at home but just couldn't get on the internet so spent most of my evening complaining on the phone about it. Frustrating thing was, I had to use my mobile to call them up as they also provide my land-line service too which wasn't working... or my TV... for that matter :-X

Great to see everyone is in good spirit :-)

Loving the Eiffel / Blackpool Tower... If any of you are ever up / down our ways, you most definitely must pay us a visit... We'd be upset to hear that you passed us by without a simple 'hello!'

Speak to you all in a bit :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Truth be known Emjay, we did go into Blackpool, but we also were looking at property around St. Annes. Not that we have any joy on our house yet. Anyway if we do end up moving that way , I will def let you know. :)

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Morning all - 6 weeks today!!! Yes Andi I thought jilly's picture was the Eifel Tower also (us southerners eh). Anyway have a great day everyone.

Dawn x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to dawlol

Hi Dawn, once again well done. 6 weeks. + 6 BIG hugs from me. :)

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner in reply to jillygirl

Thanks Jilly!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to dawlol

Morning Dawn, 6 weeks gal thats just suuuuuuper :D another Eyful tower oooooh no, not another one from down the bottom end :D :P thats just pants, hmm were have i got that saying from ????

Jillygirl us 2 will have to stick together gal :) :) we'll show em, what !! :P :P

Pete :)

Lisa-Jane profile image

morning everyone..

haven't been on since Friday I think!! had a little accident! Personally I blame the dogs..not the fact it was my own fault!!!

long story short...instead of just opening the stair gate in the kitchen like most sensible people do.. I thought i could just lean over being careful not to lean on it!!! well Tyson the big beast decided that i needed help.. sort of went south from there.. me and the stair gate fell flat on the floor.. then to add insult to injury all 3 dogs then proceeded to trample over me in a bid for freedom !!!! Unfortunately I used my hands to try and break my fall.. I couldn't do much with either hand although I can at least now type now with one of them, Im off to see the doctor tomorrow,as I have still got pins and needles in my left hand and in the palm of my right one!! I have got lovely purple and yellow knees and pulled a muscle in my side!! i can laugh now, in fact I laughed when I was on the floor till i realized I couldn't get up!!

but there have been plus sides to it, I havent been able to do much~!!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Lisa-Jane

OH! Lisa-jane, sorry you fell hope your hand is ok. let us know. Your not related to my daughter are you she too fell on friday and badly bruised her elbow. Then she went to a party hoping to meet some eligble fella, Her words were it was a .........! party only 1 fella who was no good . all others were couples.

Anyway take it steady. xx :)

Lisa-Jane profile image
Lisa-Jane in reply to jillygirl

Jilly Im sure I will be fine,especially as I can at least type now..

wow maybe we are related hey, I do hope her elbow heels soon..oh and her parties get better!!

andi22 profile image

Was trying to continue earlier but computer was on go-slow, thought 'uh-oh, Emjay must be posting and computer will crash in a minute' and it did! GGrr!!! :X Had to go out then.

Anyway, 6 weeks for Dawn - congratulations! :) You must now be a non-smoker, especially as you've also been on holiday since quitting. :)

Lisa, hilarious account of your fall but so sorry that you ended up injured! :( I hope the doc doesn't suspect any breakages when you get there. Was your strong man around to pick you up after? ;-)

So Jilly, I see you're into toy boys now!!! ;-) :D :D I went to Blackpool once with my sister. It must have been about 30 years ago now and it was in November and raining!! :( I was wondering where the glorious Blackpool Sands were. I didn't realise before then that they disappear when the tide comes in and that's why the Pleasure Beach and amusement parks are needed. :o It's all so different from our beach! :)

Got to go and cut the grass now before the sun goes in and it starts raining again. :|

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Toy boys eh! " I wish" :O

Lisa-Jane profile image

Andi, nope he was nowhere to be seen which is typical... and he spent ages laughing when i told him!! and knowing him had he of been he probably would have collapsed on the floor in laughter and have been no help anyway!! my son was though,although he might has well of trampled over me like the dogs did as he calmly stepped over me to lead the dogs back into the kitchen..... firmly telling me..."get up mum your in the way"" flipping cheek...

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lisa-Jane

Well !!!! did you get up mum ?? :o

I'm very sorry Lisa-Jane but i just had to laugh as well :D :D i can just imagine your dogs saying '' what you doin laying on the floor then we want feeding '' so so sorry gal, just couldnt help it, and your son well, he's just magic :D

Pete :)

duthie profile image
duthie29 Months Winner

feeling dead pleased, 60 days today

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to duthie

Hiya duthie, Andi here and welcome to our community. I just found you by accident whilst checking back for something. :o

Congratulations for being smoke free for 2 months now - I see you're about 2 weeks behind me. Have you been managing ok with it or has it been really tough at times. It would be really good if you joined in our daily chat and shared your experiences with us all.

Look forward to chatting again soon,

Andi :)

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