Daily Chat: Tuesday 29th May 2012: Good Morning... - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Tuesday 29th May 2012

EmJay profile image
13 Replies

Good Morning Everyone :-)

Following such lovely sunshine the past copuple of days, it's slightly cooler today, fab weather for Lenne I think ;-)

Congratulations to Andi, reaching your 4 week mark today :-) I bet you are well chuffed with yourself, and quite rightly so too! You've also done well in keeping up your exercise regime with your PT too, can you notice any changes in your fitness levels? :-)

Pete, hope today is a good day for you and that you're not too tired from your 4.00am start! There's a couple of questions I need to ask you with regards to your newly set quit date tomorrow; Is today going to be your last day of smoking and you wake up to a fresh smokefree day tomorrow? Rather than just wait until the day reaches you and then just stop, have you started thinking about which are the smokes that you are actually going to miss the most? On a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to your quit date? Lets get you back on track and see if wee can get you right up to where you left off eh?! :-)

Lenne, you have remained quite strong throughout your quitting period and I really do admire how you keep up the momentum, especially as your boyfriend still smokes. Living with a smoker when you first quit can be quite difficult, with many people returning to smoking. Time needs to be spent on building up on willpower. This takes time and doesn't happen overnight. However, by focusing on the positive outcome should help keep you on track. The longer you go without smoking and the more you say no to those piggies and the cravings, the easier it does become :-)

Wonder, you really are getting there. If you stopped at the end of February, this means that you are heading into your 4th month now! Well done :-) I am a firm beleiver in that if you can dig around, deep inside of your heart and mind and find all your very own reasons for quitting (as opposed to somebody elses - the hubby/wife /partner /kids etc) then the process will be a lot easier and long term you will be free from smoking. Rather than being quit for the rest of your life but still feel like you are missing out on something. What was your main reason for wanting to stop? Well done to you and keep up the good efforts :-)

I hope all is going as well as can be expected for Sue, I'm sure she knows that we are all thinking of her at this sad time xx

What's happening in the land of Jillygirl? I hope all is going well for you :-)

There are a couple of old blogs that I shall go and dig out, I'll copy and paste them just so that they come up on the first page of this site as I can't seem to 'bump' them up any other way :-/

Have a lovely day everybody :-)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away!

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EmJay profile image
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13 Replies
andi22 profile image

Morning Emjay - aargh! mid-post crash!!! :( Fitness Level? Well I can feel muscles in my arms and legs these days but my abs seem to elude me. I think they're there hiding in my "twin-pack" as I call it! :D I don't really want a six (or eight) pack but a bit of reduction in that area would make my bikini look better!! :o Can't quite bring myself to go for a one-piece-even at my age ;-) I really think I should increase my cardio work and as I keep getting told that running's best for weight loss I've really got to bite the bullet and go for it - a bit like giving up smoking!!! :D :D

Feel I haven't done so much in last week on fitness front though after my downer last week. Oh well, onwards and upwards.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

hi andi , you will prob get this message about 3 times as i have tried to send you a message all morning but system doesnt want to play.

I too have to exercise feet and hip(old age thing) I find it hard to get motivated. sure its easier not smoking. anyway love keep at it your doing well. and i am sure the bikini looks great on you.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

Thanks Jilly, I sold up and moved about 3 1/2 years ago - what timing eh?! Sold in trough and had bought in 2007 at peak!! :(

Never mind - ancient history - moved into a bungalow but then went up into the roof as don't want to sleep on the ground floor. :)

Good luck with finding your bungalow.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Emjay. No i havent got lost. Had a busy weekend with grandaughter.

She loves staying with us, and I dont have to feel guilty sneaking a ciggy outside without her. I am sure it cant have been nice for her. Been busy looking at bungalows, all i need is to sell my own house. Just thinking it will be nice to do a house up and the decor will stay fresh and clean.

My love to everyone especially sue. Pete stick at it love. Like I said i am 63 and given up. (not boasting) I am sure you will get more benefits health wise, than I have. Love you all.

andi22 profile image

Just had to take my neighbour to the hospital and bumped into an old workmate who was there with her parents. Her Dad in a wheelchair - gave up smoking probably 20 years ago but now suffering from lung cancer! :(

Lenne profile image

Hiya everyone, cheers EmJay, feeling pretty great about quitting still plus I had my breathing thingie checked again today, only 1 point this time so my lungs are nice and clean(ish)! Yup weather is certainly cooler, today my room is only 28oc rather than the horrid 32oc. Hopefully soon I can work out again!

Hope you're all having a good day, feeling strong and positive. Pete, tomorrow's your quit day? Sending you lots of positive thoughts and support! xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody, sounds like you're all doing well, magic just magic, :)

Aup Emjay Queenbee, looks like you got up a bit earlier this morn, good on ya gal, see you can do it!!!! :D

Rite questions need answering--- i will get up in the morning, go for a wash, and slap my patch on, jod done!!

My hardest time is still when i drink, i've just got to do something about that, i will have to put some more thought into that!!

Deffinitly a 10, i am just not enjoying these fags any more, thinking how whiter my teeth have become, no furry tongue, no coughing and spluttering, the money i have saved, to name but a few, so i know i CAN do this, especialy with all of you helping me!!!! :)

You are doing a magic job gal, and i thank you for that. :)

Andi Marina, whats up with ya gal, you sound as if you have a good body on ya, so wear a bikini, let them blokes around you 'enjoy' gal ;)

As for your tummy, the best exercise for that is ''situps'', flipping hard though gal, well to start with they are!! Hey you might just get your 6pack back gal!! I shall have to start doing them now cus i too have a bit of a tummy, dont know why!! :O i know its not cus of the lager i drink!! :|

4 weeks eh, thats just flipping great gal, huh now your beating me!!:(

Jilly Noragirl, it's nice to see you again gal, flipping long nod you've had gal, huh looking after the kids :D :D I bet you've got them trained to do all your cleaning and cooking, while you and your hubby, have your feet uppppp :D

Lenne Vera, glad to hear it's a bit cooler for you there today gal, still flippin red hot here, come inside to cool down a bit, i have!! :X

Thankyou for sending me your positive vibes and support, much appr----- erm, many thanks to you gal. ;) You keep happy and strong, cus i know you can :)

Pete. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

hi pete, glad your ok . keep thinking positive. by the way went for a 3 mile walk with grandaughter. I was shattered. so yeah need to put my feet up now.

Bye the way my dad (who passed away about 10yrs ago) he stopped smoking when he was 36. He was a alcholic not too bad but not good either. When he was 60 he went to a hypnotist, and never touched a drop from that day. I didnt mean you were an alki please dont take it the wrong way.. I think my dad needed some support away from close relations . Anyway it did work. It was wonderful having my dad back to normal, he was such a lovely fella just like you .

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jillygirl, glad your ok too gal, :) and i dont mind in the least gal, cus if im not a alki, then i'm very close to it!!, for i have to have a drink every day, dosnt matter how much?? just have to have one!!, i'm what they call a dependant drinker, which is the next thing to a alki i think!! :|

This is what i want Jill, some ideas!!, if anybody has one!! give it me please, then i can weigh up the proses & cons and hopefully get it done with!!!! :) Thanks again Jillygirl, nice one gal.

Luv ya and give my luv to your hubby as well!!, erm maybe not eh!!!! Keep in there gal, cus i'm with you all the way!! :)


andi22 profile image

Hiya Pete, just for you info - I've NEVER ever had a six-pack (maybe the odd party 5 or 7 in the old days! hahahaha!! as I'm sure you have too. :D :D

So now I will remember that you'll be exactly 4 weeks behind me - good luck we all know you CAN do this. As you only fell off for a few days I don't think you'll have to clean those lamp shades again!! ;-) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi, what never had a 6 pack!!, mind you the only time i have a 4 pack nower days is, well lager:O and yep!! :D :D bin there done it!!

Just a quickie, talking about you liking a bikini, i like wearing shorts, but most of them come to just above the knee, sopose thats alright,cus im an oldie, but in the garden, i like them shorter, so i cut the legs off a pair of jeans, as you do!! got cutoffs now, hmmm not quite short enough, so i cut some more off, but in the bits of leg, they were other bits of material, just chucked em, they were spot on they were, untill i came to put some money in the pockets, it fell onto the floor,ha ha i'de cut the bottom off the pockets, Jillgirl, you've got note on me gal, cus i'm a true nutter!!!! :| Andi i will remember that i am 4 weeks behind you gal, i will:)


Wonder profile image

My main reason for giving up ? I had many reasons and most of the things we do are for others. I can see now as I am through the other side I am the main person that feels better. I am pleased with myself. Non smokers obviously see me stopping as no big deal .... but it was a major life change. As a practical person the money and health were reasons ... the wrinkles forming around my mouth (I don't want to look like Shirley off East Enders or Dot Cotton!) ...I also didn't want my children to start smoking as they are both teenagers. I fell into the trap and thought smoking was a part of me .... I didn't think I'd ever be free .... but I am and I have so much more confidence. I do feel great. I've also cut down on Alcohol... for exactly the same reasons ... I'm the same person ... I still have a laugh ... I'm not boring ... being in control of alcohol is actually harder than the not smoking .... but the benefits of waking up feeling good each morning outweighs being out of control. It is nice going to buy a lottery ticket and not having to buy 20 fags at the same time or filling the car up with petrol and not spending another £6 on something totally useless. Also not having bad breath or smelly hair. I just feel more positive about my life .... well night all .....sorry about rambling on. Lets hope it rains in the night and we have a nice sunny day ahead tomorrow X ..... and I feel free from being addicted to nicotine and do not envy smokers at all .... I pity them .... I know I am not missing out on anything ..... but cannot say 100% I will always pick diet coke over red wine !

Lenne profile image
LenneLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Wonder

Hear hear Wonder! I toast you with my tea to freedom :)

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