So pleased that I'm now 1 month free from horrid smoking and nicotine! Feeling a little better each day....anxiety is still horrible though. Today is bittersweet as although it has been 1 month since I gave up has also been 1 year since I lost someone very close to me from cancer. My boyfriends father died a year ago today from cancer, and it is a hard day. He was only in his 40s. Smoking kills. RIP James ❤️
1 months smoke and e-cigarette free! - Quit Support
1 months smoke and e-cigarette free!

Hi Lanaroberts96, a big warm welcome to our quit support community and a massive well done you for reaching 1 month quit
Lana, if you could please let me know your quit date, then I can add you to the Wall of Winners and keep your Winners badge upto date for you
There is loads of help and advice on here Lana, with lovely people who help each other along the way to freedome
Please have a look at the Pinned Posts and Topics
you can find these to the right of your post, or if your on a mobile, then just scroll down from here and you will come to them
Lana, if you need any help just give us a shout and we will try our best we have a mantra on here - NOPE - Not One Puff Ever
if you stick to that, you wont go wrong
Hope to speak soon, Pete

Hi lana,
Well done on your one month 😊😊😊
Anniversaries are alway a sad day, but at least you have done the best thing for your future health by quitting smoking.
Anxiety is vey common, but this does settle down 😊😊

Welcome and congratulations!

Congrats on your 1 month winners badge, terrific👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I'm sorry to hear that this coincides with your sadness, a difficult day to get through.
You should be very proud of your achievement as you are now free from nasty mr nic in your life👍🏼
Have a look at the breathing techniques under pinned posts as it can help😊
If ya need anything, just shout and remember NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭🚭
It's a good idea to treat yourself to something nice for all your hard work💐😊
Welcome to our quit family😊

Well done on your anniversary, and im sorry for your loss. It is true, smoking does kill, and its on days like today that we realise it. Stay strong xxxx
Hi Larna, well done in your quit. Sorry about your boyfriends dad, a very difficult day. stay strong. I'm sure he would have been very proud of you. Anxiety will get easier hang on in there. Stay close to this site, always someone to chat to and support you through your quit
Hi Lana,
Congrats on one month👏👏👏👏 a very hard month to endure... You did it👍🏻
Sorry for you and your boyfriend xx