Good morning ,afternoon , evening, I hope everyone is fine. Monday again and the start of quitting for many of you. Inotice we have had a lot of new members recently,, and what is nice to see is how everyone supports each other. Anyway Welcome to quit support if I missed saying that to you. Please let Emjay know your quit date then she can pop it on the wall of winners. Everyones a winner here. So stay focused , positive and most of all happy.
Have a lovely day. When the cravings start dont forget to say NOPE! (not one puff ever).
MONDAY/DAILY CHAT/27/01/2014: Good morning... - Quit Support

Morning Jilly
Its a bit chilly down here in Kent, well it might have had something to do that I turned the heating down yesterday and forgot to put it back to normal, so when i got up this morning, it was like running an icy gauntlet
Hope everyone had a good smoke free weekend.
Al x

Good Morning JillyGirl, Al and All
Another weekend under everyone's belt, and an eventful weekend it has been for me! It included Grandbabies, lost phone, found phone, temperamental phone, no broadband (or very slow when it did appear) and the rescue of a poor injured wrinkly dog!
I've now come into work for a rest
Lovely to see that our Sin has reached her one year mark too
I have so much catching up to do, I think it may take a couple of kettle-putting-on-exercises!
Morning everyone,
Can't quite believe it but it is SIX MONTHS for me this week.
Just to say a big thank you to all on here old and new, you have really helped me keep going and yes it does get a little easier each day.
Hi Bethjayne, well done on getting this far. you must be really chuffed with yourself.
Thank you jilly
Morning everyone, The sun is shining here, lovely, but there are black clouds looming too
Oh well washing will be going in the dryer again !!
Yes a new week ahead, thinking about cigarette's is getting less and less, I'm trying to think more about exercising instead, so from this week that is my goal, I'm going to give my brain a good talking to, Phew it can be so stubborn !! Just like Hubby
Here's to a great possative day to all. x
Good morning everyone
2 weeks completed yesterday feeling quite proud of myself. But for whatever reason this morning I've been having the worst cravings so far in my quit. I start back in college today and maybe that's playing on my mind as i smoked way more at college than at home. Would always have a smoke before class and loved my smoke after class. Rough day ahead it seems
Hi Jmcf81, You`ve reached 2 weeks which is brilliant. So tell yourself how proud and good you feel. Ignore the cravings they will go dont worry.

Hey BethJayne - You are doing ever so well and have put in a lot of hard work in maintaining your quit status. We now have Winners Badges for certain milestones along the quitting journey - I'll very quickly award you your 5 month Quitters Badge so you can show it off before receiving your 6 month one
Hi Mrssunnyside, thinking is quite an important step in making improvements within our lives - whether it be thinking about stopping smoking, changing our eating habits or taking up exercise. Depending on your ability - there are lots of options available to get you started - From a nice gentle stroll leading to a more energetic pace, or an energetic walk on week one to being able to jog 5k in 9 weeks. There are also many 30 day challenges that you can try, these include either sit ups, planks, squats. There's something for everyone - Let us know what you decide on and at what pace you are able to manage and we'll cheer you on
Jmcf81, congratulations on making it halfway through your first month Have a go at working with your mindset and change the way you think towards your new smokefree lifestyle with the 'college setting'. Having got 2 weeks under your belt means that although you may experience some cravings or symptoms of recovery - they won't last for ever. This will then mean that you will be able to crack on with your study and not be distracted by clockwatching for your next break
Today is in your hands and you will find it as easy or as difficult as you think it will be, remember to change your mind set
If it's to be, then it's up to me
Hello Emjay, hope your kettles on again, ready for a cuppa. Just come back from the dentist flippin aches now. still not finished thats next Monday. root filling. yuk. ah well never mind. Hows you doing.
Thank you EmJay

Hey JillyGirl, I don't envy you haven't to go to that there dentist - mind you I don't think I know anyone who like going.
Al good in the hood here, a tad manic but I wouldn't have it any other way I'm still making my way through lots of posts!
I'll grab a quick cuppa with you before my 2 O'Clock meeting