MONDAY - DAILY CHAT - 19/05/2014: HAPPY MONDAY... - Quit Support

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MONDAY - DAILY CHAT - 19/05/2014

ChrissieG profile image
20 Replies


Well it's 8 weeks today since I started on this journey and I have to say it still doesn't seem real. I am so delighted to have come this far and so grateful for the support from everyone on this website along the way, thank you, thank you, thank you, I couldn't have done it without you, you are all amazing :) :) :)

The one thing that you have given me is the genuine belief that I can do this, and no matter what I've always been positive about my quit. I know that choosing to stop smoking was the best decision I've ever made for myself and I'm proud of that decision and because I made it and I wanted it so much, I've managed to cope with everything that the nic monster and the symptoms of recovery have thrown at me, as unpleasant as it was at times.

it was definitely worth it!

Have a fabulous smoke free day everyone

Love Chrissie xxx :) :) :)

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ChrissieG profile image
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20 Replies
Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Wooohooo Well done Chrissie, 8 weeks is AWESOME!

Have you dropped your nicotine down any yet? I am still struggling with the lower 1.8 so mix mine. Dreading getting off it all together, think I might have to just bite the bullet and go cold turkey! but not yet lol! Still got a lot going on in my personal life, so just proud I haven't given in through it all.

Well sun is shining and I am trapped in the office :( but the band is warming up and it sounds lovely. So every cloud.

Have a brill smoke free day peeps, catch you later x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hi Al, thank you so much and it's quite unbelievable I have to say :) :) :)

To answer your question that I have just been to my e-cig shop on the way home from work, sadly my lovely young man was off today, but a very lovely young lady helped me instead, and I bought 2 x 1.2mg and 2 x 0.6mg e liquids - It's time for the next step baby !!!!!

I've also bought a funky new battery which has a light on the button so when you press it it goes from white to blue to red - when it gets to red you charge the battery - how cool it that!!! I was always getting confused with my batteries not knowing how much charge was left in them, so now I'll know - it's the perfect Chrissie battery if you ask me :)

I'm mixing 50/50 for the first week, that makes it 0.9mg and then I'll gradually drop to 0.6mg on it's own if I'm doing okay. I've got a week off work in 2 weeks so I might have an practice at cold Turkey to see how that feels - do you think it gets better the more you reduce the nic level of the liquids?

Anyway you are doing fab-u-lous sweetie and I totally agree with what EmJay said - stick with what you are happy with and don't put your stop at risk, I certainly won't if I find dropping down again too difficult - stopping the cigarettes was the biggest thing ever, even my daughters said to me they would be happy if I was still on the e-cig in 9 months time. You've got so much going on so don't add to the burden, you will know when you are ready.

Anyway when I press the reply button below, I'm really hoping I'm going to see a brand new shiny badge!

Take care sweetie :) :) xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to ChrissieG

Wey Hey - My brand new shiny badge is here - THANK YOU EMJAY!! :) :) xxx

Fresher profile image
Fresher8 MONTH WINNER in reply to ChrissieG

Which shop did you get that battery from Chrissie, I could really do with one of those :)

Mindermummy profile image

Omg....had to come on this morning as I'm so so chuffed to both have reached 2 months!!!!! 2 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Seriously .....never thought I could get to this point !!! Well done Chrissie!! I'm dancing today for you!!!!! Lol

Fresher profile image
Fresher8 MONTH WINNER in reply to Mindermummy

Well done you've done amazing :) :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Mindermummy

OMG TOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS Mindermummy PIPP !!!!!!! And really... a MASSIVE WELL DONE to you sweetie. You have stuck to this like glue even when it was really really hard and just proved you can do it and I'm so so so pleased for you - so I shall do a happy dance for you and say a big CHEERS when I've got a glass of something in my hand, which actually isn't just now because I'm on the coffee :)

Can I just say, that badge looks absolutely fantastic on you - it really really suits you :)

Mindermummy profile image
Mindermummy in reply to ChrissieG

And yours suits you too Chrissie ;) ;) :p

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to ChrissieG

Mindermummy & Chrissie....... lovely bit of bling you both got there ,,,,,congratulations to you both :) A big WHOOHOO from me x julie

Betts profile image

Absolutely ****** marvellous!!!!!

Well done you all!

Sunny day again, but laid up with this stinking cold and throbbing head :( Trying to gear up to get my work done - at least I can work from home today. Can't understand why I've got such strong cravings with my nose all blocked and feeling bad. Weird world. Got to keep fighting.

Think I can hear that band playing, or maybe its just ears ringing!

Yep, pinkie, take your time, I really think when the time's right you'll know. You're doing great, that's enough!

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Betts

Oh Betts - poor you! I really hope you feel better soon. 2 of my colleagues have just had it and it's horrible so I do feel sorry for you.

You've probably got the strong cravings because that is what you did when you had a horrible cold before so it's a trigger - as long as you keep ignoring them the sooner they will disappear again (I just tell my cravings to sod off - but I'm not as nice as you :) )

Take care of yourself sweetie xx :) :)

Fresher profile image

A massive well done to you Chrissie and everyone else who has got a lovely shiny new badge today xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Fresher

Ah Fresher thank you so much and it's lovely to see you! You are doing so brilliantly too, how do you feel? I hope the words very happy and very proud come out of your mouth - because they should do!

:) :) :)

Fresher profile image
Fresher8 MONTH WINNER in reply to ChrissieG

It's lovely to see you to and still going strong. I'm doing really well (a bit scared to say that in case I jinx myself lol). I've started dropping down my nicotine, I dropped from 1.8 to 1.4 on week 3/4 then on wk 5/6 went down to 1.0 using a little 1.4 added in. Skin looking better and tongue actually getting pinker finally haha :) :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning All,

CONGRATULATIONS Chrissie and Mindermummy!! 2 months of living a smokefree lifestyle :-) That's brilliant! :D :D

It really is important to stay positive throughout your stopping smoking process, especially during the early days and especially more-so when you least feel like it, which can be quite difficult but once you get going, positivity will follow :-)

Al, you lap up that lovely music to the eyes and ears ;-) With regards to your e-cig use, just carry on doing what is working for you so far. When you are ready we can help work towards either cutting right down to a stop or setting a complete 'stop use of nicotine for good' quit date. You have the full support of everyone on here and we'll walk every part of your journey with you, you know that. At the moment though, I don't think it is worth going anything that might jeopardise your quit. As you say, you have had and still have a lot going on. For now, just keep on keeping on and the time will soon come :-)

Betts, big 'get-well-soon' positive vibes being sent to you today :-)

Hey Fresher, lovely to see you around, I hope you are well :-)

I have had some latest information regarding e-cigarettes, I'll pop up a post later about it. Quite an interesting read actually.

I seem to be around the office and at a computer for most of this week so you should see more of me :-/ Having been so busy the last couple of months it will be so nice to be around a bit more for you all. I've missed hanging around with you folks, especially during the evening when the fun really starts ;-)

Anyways, I did start this off with a 'Good Morning All, and can you believe it is now past 12 and I still haven't posted it! See, I'm here in the office and getting eaten by everyone :D :D

andi22 profile image

Hi everyone. :)

BIG BIG Congratulations to all of you - Chrissie, Mummy, Al, Fresher and Betts. I see you've all got lovely new badges since I was last on here. You are all doing so well, keep up the good work. :)

I have just popped round to a friend's for a quick catchup on my computer. My broadband stopped working Last week on Sunday afternoon. :( I am so missing it and keeping in touch with everyone. They have finally decided that it's the router after all, and the one I've got now is less than a year old! :-P :-P Hopefully I'll get the new one by the end of the week and will come back and see you all when it's up and running again.

See you all again soon, Andi. :)

EmJay profile image

Andi!!! Yaye, lovely to see you Missus, it's been absolute forever since we properly caught up :-) Hopefully things are starting to change my end and I'll be back around a lot more than I have been - so get that broadband sorted ;-)

EmJay profile image

My word, would you look at the time?! Today really has flown by :o

I'm away home soon and have a trip to the theatre tonight with my lovely foster mum. We're going to see Sex In the Suburbs which sounds like a right barrel of laughs :-) I may even have a glass of wine as a little Monday treat ;-/ Not too much though, being a school night an' all that!

I'll pop my head round the door once I'm home :-)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to EmJay

I have to say that even the title of that theatre production sound brilliant - have a wonderful evening EmJay!!!

Oh you're just like me, I never like drinking on a school night either :) xx

Nick-o-teenfree profile image
Nick-o-teenfree3 Months Winner

Well done to all of you :) Very well done xx

Speak soon Nic

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