JillyGirl, I really can't believe it - a whole year!
I remember everyone here on Quit Support- all your friends, waiting in anticipation for Mr JillyGirl to let us know how your operation went, and that you were able to have your whole lung removed safely and get rid of that dreadful disease, lung cancer - that almost cost you your life
After originally booking you in for your op on Christmas day, this whole year could have been so different. We were so thankful to hear that they decided to bring the day of your operation closer.
Moving the date to a couple of weeks earlier gave you the better outcome
Following that, you have had a year of hard work - making sure you get better and back on the mend. A touch of chemotherapy that simply didn't agree with you, lots of supermarket trolley pushing exercises to help build up your strength and teach you to be able to work with just one lung.
I really do believe though that it is your whole outlook on life and positivity that has determined your overall outcome
You really are one amazing lady and have touched the lives of so many people here. Your support to others has been amazing. You've always found time to look after our newbies and encourage others to get back on track and have another go. You are also able to keep our Pete on track to and out of the oven!
I hope you celebrated with a nice glass of your favourite tipple yesterday
To me, you are such an inspiration and when I grow up I want to be like you
In fact, I take that back because what I have learnt from you is never to grow up!
Congratulations JillyGirl and most of all, Thank You for being you