Can I go back to NHS for the stop smoking med... - Quit Support

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Can I go back to NHS for the stop smoking meds after i quit with them and started again! sad I know :(

buzylizzie profile image
buzylizzie32 Month Winner
6 Replies

I quit smoking in March and did three months pretty much smoke free by using the meds from the NHS. I did have the odd one at the start but when I did it wasn't nice, the meds were great at stopping the cravings but there were those times that I couldn't get out of the habit. I also experienced depression and anxiety. I know these things can be caused by the giving up so I'm not blaming the meds. Though they where pretty bad. I also tried to do the quit with my partner but it turned out he wasn't that keen, came along to the meetings but then I found him smoking:( We are also not doing too good on the relationship front - not because of the smoking - bigger stuff. so the giving up, a bad relationship could well have been the reason fro the depression/anxiety. Though the situation hasnt changed with the relationship, I don't feel as bad as i did.

I spoke to my NHS support person but she wasn't very helpful just brushed it aside really, didn't want to go there. Anyway I still really want to give up but am not sure how to do it now. I have tried to go 'cold turkey' before - lasted not long. I have done patches - lasted a week. I have done the inhalator - lasted a bit longer - 3 weeks. I have also done hypnotherapy session - Also lasted three weeks. The meds are what really worked for me so I want to try again but am not sure if I can just walk in to the clinic and start all over. Anyone been here or can give any advice.

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buzylizzie profile image
32 Month Winner
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6 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Busylizzie, I am Jillygirl, and pleased to meet you. Well at least you have come to the right place for help. I really feel for you and there are people on this site with similar circumstances to you. I am not going to give you advice as Emjay or Claire are our advisors. They are brilliant and really do help. Emjay should be on a little later. Meanwhile

have a look through some of the older blogs and questions, you may find them helpful and some of them a bit of a laugh.

I am 63yrs old and similar to you stopped smoking about 3 months ago. I had smoked since being 17. so it took some courage to start on the quitting . However I did get a chest infection , where I could hardly breathe, so that made my mind up for me.

I too have days when I am down and feel either frustrated or weepy, so I reach for the inhalator and log on to this site. To be honest this site helps me stay focused and cheers me up.

Whatever you do please join us everyone is so helpful and friendly.

Emjay should be with you later. :)

buzylizzie profile image
buzylizzie32 Month Winner in reply to jillygirl

HI Jillygirl, thanks for your reply, i will have a look at the blogs etc on the site to see what you all get up to here, as I'm a newbie i haven't had a chance to yet so I'm sure it will be useful :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to buzylizzie

Hi buzylizzie, Good idea to look on the blogs on here. Will warn you we do tend to act a bit silly at times but it really does help. I am probably one of the silliest. :D

I would imagine that the NHS would be used to people relapsing and will understand. As long as you keep positive you will get there. Sure Emjay will advice you.

P.S. Welcome aboard. :)

jarvo profile image

Good morning buzylizzie

Welcome to Quit Support, as Jillygirl has already explained you’re not alone and there is lots of information and support on here which I’m sure will help you.

Well done on quitting smoking, we need to look at what triggers you to smoke and how we can get over your cravings and deal with your habit. I’m sure Emjay will get in touch at some point today, but one thing she would say is ‘take each quit as a practice for the final quit’. We learn a lot when we relapse and I’m sure we can help you deal with this. In relation to your local Stop Smoking Service; it might be best to contact them and find out what you’re entitled to. Within our service we will always help someone who wants to quit smoking.

I hope this helps a little, try clicking on Emjays names and go on her blogs. She has put lots of information about quitting and dealing with cravings and habits.

Give me a shout if you need further support. But please keep positive, the fact you’ve come along and want to quit again is a good thing. Don’t give up giving up!

Speak soon ;-)

EmJay profile image

Hi buzylizzie,

Welcome to our lovely on-line stop smoking community :-)

You'll meet lots of others who may be going through the same as you and you can share your own experiences of stopping smoking and pick up some helpful hints and tips along the way :-)

I'm sure your local stop smoking service will be more than happy to have you back so that they can continue to support you, after all it's what these kinds of services are there for :-) As Jillygirl says, they are used to seeing people who relapse. Relapsing is part of the stop smoking process for a large number of people, so don't worry about it :-)

With regards to receiving more NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy from them, then this will depend on how much you have had from them so far within a 6 month period. Most NHS services can only give one full course worth of treatment during this time scale. So again, this will depend on how much you have had so far.

However, please don't let anything stop you in your efforts to stopping smoking, you have done ever so well in your past quit attempts and have so you know that you can do it again :-) It really is important that you don't see any of these past times as a failure, but as a practice in leading up to the 'real' thing :-)

Do you still have the contact details of your local stop smoking service?

It may also be worth spending some extra time in the planning stage before actually quitting. So, have a good nosie about through some of our past questions and blogs, there's lots of information in the archive section too. Please also read through the following link so that you can try and understand which part of smoking satisfies your craving;


You are heading in the right direction and we'll have you stopped before long, but all in your own good time :-)

By receiving help to stop smoking, you are four times more likely to stay stopped. So just imagine if you have help from even more people :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Buzylizzie, i hope that you are ok gal, i'm Pete by the way, i think that the Girls had said it all, but i know what you mean by going through a erm sticky relasionship!!

I relapsed a few weeks ago because of that, but then, i got back on my feet, and set another quit date, what made it easier was this site, and all the friendly advise and comments, these people are so gorgeous i tell you Buzylizzie. :) :)

May i ask you a question please, do you really want to quit ?? i mean ''really'' want to !!

Because i know from my own experience that if you only half want to, then you only half quit, and smoke crafty ones, when nobody is looking!!

Also i found that you have to get rid of all the fags that you have hidden away somewhere!!

because the least little downer you have, you will reach out for them!! :( I know !!

I hope this makes sense and you CAN do this with a little help from this site, good luck Buzylizzie, we are all with you :) you know that.

Pete :)

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