Quit smoiking 16 days ago. For the last 10-12 days I have had hoarness. No cough. I have smoked for 48 years. The last 5 years 2 packs a day. Worried about the throat.
I quit smoking 16 days ago. For the last 10-... - Quit Support
I quit smoking 16 days ago. For the last 10-12 days I have had hoarness. No cough, just hoarness. Any ideas?
Your throat is getting some tender new tissue and this regeneration can account for the hoarseness you are experiencing☹️ Good news is this will pass and in the meantime anything that will moisten the throat, like honey in your tea or honey lozengers will help. Well done for quitting and please be patient as the body is very good at healing itself from the damage we have inflicted on it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to visit your G.P. just to put your mind at rest😊
I smoked for almost as long as you did .. and had hoarseness, too, for a while. Mine passed fairly quickly -- but if it lingers or you have any concerns at all -- then by all means visit a doctor.
Hi pstevens,
i too had a similar throat in the early weeks of quitting. only last a few weeks i just sucked on antibacterial throat lozenges.
But as Will said, if this continues, seek medical attention
You are going ever so well
Honey and lemon in hot water.... always does the trick.... added bonus is that some people find hoarsness sexy (or is that horses...😉)
Hope it passes for you soon 😃 and your doing great 😊😊