30+ years of worsening dysmenorrhea - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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30+ years of worsening dysmenorrhea

Farleygirl profile image
4 Replies

Hi, I'm going to apologise in advance for the long one, but I guess I want to vent and see if anybody has experienced the same symptoms but had different treatment offered, or even a diagnosis? I half wonder if it's adenomyosis but until now just think it's "one of those things". What are my rights as a patient, in terms of...can or should I ask for an MRI to check for adenomyosis, and should or can I ask for someone skilled in identifying US or MRI scans for adenomyosis? I don't necessarily think it is adenomyosis, it it's just the nearest I've come to reading that might fit. The other half of me just thinks I no longer care what it is because it's clear gynaes don't, so I should just go for the hysterectomy option. I'm a bit overwhelmed, confused and lost!

I'm 45, never had children but suffered with what I guess must be dysmenorrhea since I started my periods over 30 years ago. I have dealt with this by being on various forms of the pill on and off over the years but stopped taking it about 5 or 6 years because of various side effects from them; I tried the Mirena coil after this but suffered severe rash and itching so had it removed.

Since then, I have been trying to manage my monthly pain using prescription medication, which has been Tranxemic acid, Mefanemic acid, Naproxen, soluble 30/500 Co-codamol and, since my last period, Cyclizine as an antiemetic, as my D&V usually brings up what I've taken. Nothing seems to be touching the pain, now, even a cocktail of the above. I try to take Naproxen for a few days before so it builds up in my system, but I have a salicylate intolerance, so my hands, face, throat, tongue all swell up and I get a very tight chest. So it's all a bit of Sod's Law.

My experience with gynaecologists so far has been pretty underwhelming. I had a D&C a few years ago after a hysteroscopy to investigate inter-menstrual bleeding and a localised thickening of the endometrium. I never found out what it was, only that it wasn't anything sinister. I awoke in a bed with no staff, and the surgeon and operating staff had all go e home. My mum had had a hormone-sensitive cancer of the endometrium when she was 52, and both she and my maternal grandmother suffered with the same monthly pains, but they disappeared when they both had children. All of us have/had a tilted uterus.

I have got to the point where I don't care what the reason is any more; I simply want a hysterectomy to get rid of the cause. What used to be 2 hours of intense pain/D&V/fainting when I was younger has now evolved into up to 6-7 hours of the same, often repeated on the following night. I am missing at least one day of work a month, sometimes two.

This morning, after a traumatic (and I don't use the word lightly) 6 hours of this monthly hoo-ha I just broke down and sobbed my heart out because I do, quite literally, feel traumatised.

My last gynae appt last year was a flop: she dismissed inter-cycle pains & vomiting that can be brought on by exercise, and which mirror my dysmenorrhea, as unrelated to my uterus. She said they would be bowel related only. She shut me down when I tried to say the symptoms were exactly like my monthly pains and it was clear she didn't want to listen to me as the patient. She said she wasn't able to access previous scan, D&C, biopsy results because they were done under a neighbouring health authority. She therefore said she would send me for a scan (yet another) and dismissed me with a prescription for the pill in the meantime, which I didn't want. She said she would contact me for a follow-up appt when my scan results were available. However, what actually happened was, I had a short letter to say 'nothing obvious' was wrong, and I was not invited for a follow-up appt. I waited a few months, patiently thinking the invitation would arrive, bit it didn't. So I retrospectively realised that the gynaecologist had not intended to invite me back. I had waited years for this appt, and I was shocked when I realised I had been dropped off the list. The treatment was abysmal.

So now, I have asked for a re-referral from my GP and am going to push for a hysterectomy.

Why won't doctors take this seriously? It feels no one listens, or they makes assumptions to fit what they think is happening or needed, rather than efforts to listen to my symptoms and history and want to help me.

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Farleygirl profile image
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4 Replies
Konagirl60 profile image

I’m so sorry you’re being dismissed and brushed off. Doctors aren’t caring about patients anymore. Women particularly are being victimized and left in excruciating pain. I am a victim. I know how you feel.

Could it be endometriosis? I thinks it ridiculous that the gynaecologist couldn’t access the other health authority’s D&C results and scan on you!

Call a lawyer and find out your rights as a patient.

Call that other authority and request the D&C consult notes and scan yourself.

You need an advocate stat! Could you hire a registered nurse consultant?

Farleygirl profile image
Farleygirl in reply to Konagirl60

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I will write to the previous health authority to request previous notes, scans and results: you're absolutely right. I'd let it go because I'd gone through a similar battle with misdiagnosis of two other things around the same time, and it was draining to battle the consultants and other health authorities, particularly one consultant who thought he was Creator Of All Things. But you're right to suggest this, so I'll gird my loins and get on to it.

I feel they would have told me about endometriosis after a hysterectomy, a D&C and biopsy, and several intra-vaginal scans, so don't feel it's that. But hey, I clearly know next to nothing, so who knows!!

Thanks again for the advice: you've inspired me to stand up and be counted again.

Skye22 profile image

After abysmal treatment for a bowel haemorrhage which left me confused, in pain, desperate for diagnosis and taking a cocktail of meds. ( male consultant).

Took matters in my own hand, changed hospitals, ( NHS) and consultant, result, all Female care team who Listened and actually asked how they could help me, it was a revelation!!!

About 2yrs of various tests and trials of meds/treatments and hallelujah a final diagnosis!!!.

We have a right to be listened to and we have a right to medical care which actually benefits us. It's just finding that courage to speak out, stand tall and never be fobbed off.

I hope you get answers soon and find a treatment that is best for you!!!! Wishing you good health!!

Farleygirl profile image
Farleygirl in reply to Skye22

Wow, that sounds horrific and In so glad you've been successful in getting the diagnosis and treatment that you deserve. Thank you for the support 💗

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