Hi, I am new to this group. I have read some older posts that resonate with me. I started to have a pressure on my urethra to always feel like needing to go after I had just been. My doctor, without seeing me said OAB. So I have been on Oxybutynin, this has not agreed with me at all. So now Solifenacin, all that has happened is a pain in the tip of my urethra. I am taking paracetamol to not much effect. No UTI had two tests. It is becoming unbearable. It is a pressure pain. I am sure it is not OAB. I have always suffered constipation , also had a hysterectomy a few years ago. I know my bladder is prolapsed somewhat. It is so difficult to get doctors appt let alone see them. I was wondering if anyone has had the same sort of thing, and if they resolved it.
urethra pain: Hi, I am new to this... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
urethra pain

Yes I had this exact thing about 10 years ago and I was on Vesicare for about a year.... Doctor also put me on estrogen vaginally because sometimes the urethra lacks estrogen and it needs this to function properly Slowly it got better but now I realize it was pelvic floor dysfunction and a lot of people go to pelvic floor therapy for this... There are exercises that you can Google that will help which I did also I think contributed to it getting better I would go on the pelvic floor dysfunction Facebook group and ask about this because a lot of people have it you won't feel alone then that's what I felt like and when I joined the group it helps so very much
Thankyou for your reply . It is great to know how you resolved it. I am wondering if you are in the states as Vesicare is Solifenacin here in the UK. 10 years ago I would have had more chance of actually seeing a doctor, now it is a struggle. Have a telephone appt on 6th Jan. Have made an appt with a private physio but first appt 5th Jan. So a struggle through the Christmas period. Thank you once again for your reply. Best wishes.
Yeah I'm in the States but I'm from the UK.. been here 40 years my whole family is still in leeds and Sunderland. Yeah it's solifenacin here too but the brand is vesicare however when I ran out of vesicare they gave me solifenacin. You know a muscle relaxer may help too but Google those exercises pelvic floor stretches like happy baby is one and the Cobra is another one you'll see the poses they are yoga and join the Facebook pelvic floor dysfunction group and the overactive bladder group both support groups on Facebook
Sorry to hear you are suffering. I ended up going to the sexual health clinic and I am now seeing a doctor there. It’s easier to get an apt as they are less busy than the GP. I have diagnosed myself with PN and on some Amitriptyline.
Thanks for your reply. I am 75 so I think the sex clinic is out. I hope you are getting relief from your PN. I am hoping I will be referred to an urologist but with things with the NHS who knows when. Best wishes.
Vaginal atrophy also effects the urethra causing symptoms you describe, topical vaginal hrt works wonders, the usual one they start you on is Vagifem but there are lots of other options.
Thankyou for your reply. I assume the vagifem is prescription. I would need to see a doctor to confirm this and there are only telephone appts. at the moment. Even an urologist, goodness knows when that would be. But something to ask when I get that appt. Thank you again.
Have been taking solifenacin for over active bladder and urethra pain. It has definitely helped a lot with symptoms.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have been on Oxybutynin for three weeks. It does not agree with me. Now have Solifenacin. I have discomfort and pain in the urethra constantly. No pain going to the toilet. The Oxybutynin did nothing. So I hope like you the Solifenacin will work. Best wishes.
everything stated here is just my opinion as I am not a doctor but I have searched high and low to solve eurythral pain and wanted to share the successes along the way.
Through my journey while looking for proper help, the best most helpful drug was a toss up between the absolute minimal dose of Valium for eurythral pain and Klonopin.
I don’t believe you need much if you are applying it topically. If you take a little at night to sleep it can help with minimum side effects. I took a quarter .5 milligram tablet crushing it into dust and mixing it with coconut oil to apply it directly both topically internally vaginally to relax the muscles and externally around the sphincter to stop the pain squeezing adding to your pain. The hope applied right before sleep could be used until you find a proper diagnosis and a long term plan. Again, Apply it topically or internally or both.
When level were their absolute worst, Oral clonazepam even a quarter of a .5mg orally helped me as it works best orally but has a mood swing and withdrawal. Both are controlled substances but are the only drugs.
Clonazepam doesn’t crush well at all but it works topically as well and sometimes better than diazepam (vaginal Valium)
to get off any Klonopin or Valium Ween off!
Swimming in warm water is a godsend for relief. There is nothing better personally for a temporary break.
Find an Herbalist to help with sleep.
For sleep without drugs Additional chinese herbs help calm the mind and help with sleep as you find the right help from perhaps an herbalist and
I use this. You can make a tea with it.
Jia Wei Gui Pi Tang stg 351
Anything could be causing your problem. It doesn’t even have to be big,
I was amazed how a tiny deep muscle restriction could cause unbearable pain. It could be a tiny Fascial restriction that needs releasing from a trained and highly effective pelvic pt.
It could be the thinning of tissue as well and finding a proper Urogynocologist and not just a regular Gynocologist who studies and treats pelvic pain is essential for estrogen.
A great pelvic pt could help the most!
After looking up credentials, Don’t walk, run to a pelvic pt with advanced certification in myofascial release. Make sure to ask for their credentials and how many years they have been a pelvic pt. Anyone who says it’s in your mind go running away in my opinion. There are still practitioners who make a living helping you divert your attention who claim to be pelvic physical therapists. Where are their licenses and advanced certifications from Herman and Wallace
Look for advanced certifications in myofascial release from:
Avoid pt large practices they are puppy mills for physical therapy and therapists at the hospital tend to give you the least amount of time. Find out their credentials. Look for how long they spend with you? A high quality therapist will spend an hour.
Not sure why there has not been any revolt against 30min. This shouldn’t be permitted as you can’t melt into the tissue to help anything in 30min. And 45min by the time you discuss how you are feeling, a pain scale, review of paperwork the necessary hour long treatment is now down to nothing that can truly help you. Again the therapist needs time to find the restriction, sit on it lightly and apply deep yet very light manipulations to stretch and eliminate fused tissue or trigger points by hand. Not an easy task for any physical therapist but there are many who have been trained and can accomplish this.
All sessions deserve proper time. The shorter the time spent the more the business cares more about their own practice and not really treating their clients so they get better. The first visit should spend time on a thorough intake after that if the practice wastes 10-15 on the intake using your previous 45min session with 15 min of intake into their ipad run from the practice. I suggest you fill out the paperwork or ask for it in advance and if possible discuss it prior to your visit. Use your common sense. Say, my pain is here! What in my gut caused it? What was the event right before it started.
While pain can be referred and an event from child could contribute the What right now changed approach may minimize wasted doctor and pt time.
Look at lifestyle changes. Detergent, tight clothes, any direct or change directly related.
Any new meds that may cause your pain there.
I wish you luck. Take it one day at a time and get yourself an ipad and a big notebook and keep notes who you called and how did they help or not.
It is a terrible pain that should not be accepted.
You can fight this and win!
hi , I am suffering exactly the same , so disturbing, have to take sleeping tablets just to get some sleep. I’ve found if I hold on as best I can to get the urge into my bladder as opposed to the urethra I get some urethral relief after voiding. I am seeing a urogynae next week but because my hysterectomy was due to cancer it maybe I can’t have oestrogen. I will let you know how it goes , hope you get answers soon .
Are you in the Uk. I too have had a hysterectomy because of cancer. 7 years ago now. I did not have chemo as very early cancer. I have to go through the GP and hope she will refer me . I wish I could afford private. At the moment Solifenacin, I do not have much confidence in it. Appt with GP 6th Jan. Really do not know how I will get through Christmas. Thank you for sharing.
hi , same for me ,no chemo although grade 3 so had internal radiation x 3, thinking this has upset the tissues. The cancer was in a polyp growing on the womb. My issue is the feeling of urgency all the time now. I am paying £150 to see the urogynae at a Spire hospital for a discussion . My gp will get a letter from him and he will see me on the NH if my gp needs to refer back. I have a lovely gp but getting to see him is madness. There are other gp’s but they re not as helpful. Had this on and off for years before the hysterectomy so nothing new but had 4 cystoscopies and bladder stretch which had some effect but always comes back. Now worrying I have a prolapse or something, will know more on the 21 st December. I am in Lincoln. It’s good to talk !
Good to hear your experiences. I had a slight thickening of the uterus, I know I have a prolapse but not so bad to cause incontinence. My GP just said OAB without seeing me. I think it is more to do with constipation which I suffer with and what goes with that over the years. I did have this for a few weeks after the hysterectomy. It did pass and I never thought about until it started beginning November. The thing is the pain with it and the urgency. Not helped by my anxiety. It comes at a bad time middle of winter and all the strikes. Goodness knows if I will get a referral. Did your consultant at Spire say he would see you on NHS if your GP will refer you. Thankyou for your reply.
hi, I haven’t asked the consultant as don’t see him until the 21 st but I went to the same hospital several years ago for a skin condition which was getting worse and he saw me at later appointments via the nhs, a gp ( not the good one ! ) said it was excema, it was actually psoriasis / rosacea . Could you tell me how you know you have a prolapse , at my 3 yr check up they discharged me and said all was ok but I had started urinary problems then. That was 2 years ago and I’ve just crossed fingers till now. I have bought a pelvic floor mashine but not wanting to use until I get the go ahead. I’m 66 by the way.
I can feel it , have done for a while. Sometimes it was more and sometimes less. It has never bothered me and doesn’t really now. It is my urethra that is painful, not all the time but when I drink . If I have water it is really awful, yet supposed to drink a lot . I am 75 so a lot older. But up to now quite fit. This has really made me ill. I wish I hadn’t started on the meds. Have you been offered the meds for OAB?
hi, not sure if you got my last reply, so sending again. I was on oxybutinin for a year in the early days but stopped as didn’t resolve the urgency feeling. I had a very physical job and when I changed jobs my symptoms got better. I truly think it’s a nerve problem and was offered gabapentin but it didn’t work , the side effects were not good . Just had oxybutinin this year for 9 months but stopped in October as becoming nauseas and didn’t feel it helped again. Now going to speak to an expert as fed up of gps and their opinions, need to know for sure now , can’t feel anything in the other areas but it all feels odd anyway , never been one for handling vagina thingies. I had my 3 yearly check ( 2 years ago) and that’s when it all kicked off again, I mentioned I thought I might have a prolapse but they assured me I hadn’t then. Had some piles dealt with in September ( exroid laser ) and could feel in my bladder some sensations so think it might have been this that’s stirred things up. Will keep checking in with you, where are you based?
Hi, urethra pain is the worst! As said, estrogen helps the urethra if you're deficient from that. I have had many years of urethra pain. One doctor said I had urethritis, which is an infection of the urethra, it can come out negative as a UTI. No one mentioned B&O suppositories. They are quite effective for the high range pain (8-10/10). They are becoming harder to find, the war on opiates. As someone else mentioned, PT might be able to help, but you need someone who really understands this part of pelvic floor. Checking for nerve damage of the pudendal nerve, or other nerve would also be a great idea. I have recently tried bladder installations (put the medicine into a tube and insert it into the bladder via a catheter) it burned about 5 mins and then gave me about 3-4 hours of relief. The most pressing issue is to find the cause of your issue. I wish you the best of luck in getting better.
Yes have had this urethra pain for years and prescribed topical estrogen again. Think its pressure from my bowel as worse when constipated I think. Tried Oxybutalin too. Helps a bit. Had ultrasound scans (lots) no further forward but seems a very common complaint. Need to stop drinking coffee. Now taking cranberry and calcium tablets which help too with retention problems as I only get relief when I pee. Up three times or more a night every two hours or so. If I have retention rub my thighs behind my knees or stroke my bladder from belly button downwards as found on the NHS site. Got fed up going to NHS urology no results. Having fewer UHT's now.
Thankyou for your reply. I only drink decaffeinated tea and coffee. Not much coffee. I do not have retention problems. Thank goodness. Think there is more going on , not sure it is OAB. Still have an appt telephone lol. With the doc in January so will discuss this with her. I hate the meds. I felt better before I took them, but you have to try. I also think it something to do with my bowels. We shall see.
hi I have just found this group & your symptoms sound exactly the same as mine! I started with the pressure pain & having to go for a wee lots in the night in January originally this would start maybe a week before my period (which is very erratic then settle down it has gradually over the year got worse & has no pattern. I have been tested for UTI’s which are negative, have had ultrasound & ct scan which showed my right kidney doesn’t drain properly but urology say this wouldn’t cause these symptoms, I have been using vagifem since April which has no effect, I was prescribed tolterdine for OAB which made me feel awful & now on mirabegron which helps a bit. I had an appointment yesterday with urodynsmics & they put water into my bladder & measures how much I can wee out it showed I couldn’t empty by bladder leaving around 200ml in the nurse said I could have a blockage or a prolapse bladder & ‘hopefully’ the urologist will want to have a camera put inside me. Ive also been constipated on & off for probably 1.5years where I was told to just eat sultanas to get me moving ! I feel totally let down by the doctors & nhs as am no further on with what’s actually wrong . Sorry for the long post x
Hi, I am on Solfenacin. It is helping a bit but causes me constipation. I eat porridge, kiwi and raspberries at breakfast. Then fish or chicken and loads of veg especially broccoli which is high in fibre. My appetite has definitely decreased and have lost a stone since November when I started on these OAB meds. I have a referral to see a gynaecologist /uro appt not till April . I know my bladder is prolapsed but it has never caused me bother. One day I was normal, next the pressure of wanting to wee all the time came. I hate these meds (have been on Oxybutynin) they really make me feel I’ll, but relieve the pressure somewhat. Have booked a physio who deals with OAB problems. Hoping to get the tens machine for the distal nerve, there has been some success with that. I do agree the doctors do not know what to do with us ladies with urology problems. I hope you get your investigation. I am reluctant to have a bladder op. Heard some awful after effects of that and to be honest can hardly feel anything uncomfortable. Now I have written a long post lol. Best wishes