I’ve been diagnosed with fibroids and waiting to see the gynaecologist, but the bleeding is so horrific I can’t leave the house and this means not getting to my office. I also travel with work. Is there anything at all that helps slow or stop bleeding? It’s just so heavy constantly. Any help appreciated x
Fibroids and bleeding: I’ve been... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Fibroids and bleeding

Oh bless you I feel for you I really do. I am the same but luckily i work from home and arrange my own appointments.
It does make you feel.so.isolated though especially if it is stopping you going out. Unfortunately i havent found anything to stop or slow the bleeding so I think its just a case of really pushing for your appointment.

Hi Very_sad_lady,
Unfortunately heavy bleeding is one of the main reasons for a referral to a gynaecologist so unless there are exceptional circumstances such are requiring transfusion you are unlikely to be given a more urgent appt. Your GP can try you on a drug call tranexamic acid which works to control heavy bleeding. It works very well for most and I’ve tried it myself but unfortunately it wasn’t a success but I do suffer from adenomyosis and endometriosis which both cause very heavy bleeding for 3 weeks out of every month and due to various GPs refusing to help won’t undiagnosed for close to 20 years despite a family history of endometriosis. But others also with very heavy bleeding have found it very helpful so definitely worth a try. Hopefully you I’m now on long term medication which whilst it isn’t ideal do work. Fortunately in your case you do know the cause but have a while to wait. It might be worth asking to be put on a clinic cancellation list but I would only do this if you are able to take any appt at short notice including less than 24 hours notice as there will be others chasing these. I hope if you decide to take the medication it helps you especially if you opt for any form of surgery as there is likely to be a wait for that also. I hope this helps
You have my sympathy.
I also have the same issues, with frequent heavy flooding (and clots)..which results in faintness, feeling weak, and shortness of breath,etc. I went to see my doctor about it recently, and he prescribed me some "Mefenamic Acid" tablets, which did seem to ease the loss last time, but this time, it's 'touch and go'..however, they are better than suffering in silence. ..also, some decent iron tablets.
Good luck.
Well life so saw the gynaecologist and he said it is down to age rather than the fibroids as they are small. He did a biopsy. The next day I was doing a massive presentation in Westminster and the worst happened, all I can say is thank god I was wearing black trousers. It was horrific and nearly fainted. Got the additional progesterone tablets but still bleeding, so exhausted and still sad 😏