I recently had an ultrasound followed by an MRI and found out I have a large fibroid (10cm x 8cm!!) behind my uterus. I had the ultrasound to investigate why my periods have stopped... I'm 25 (no children) and stopped the contraceptive injections back in February 2019. 2 years later and still nothing... I have been referred to gynaecology, but this could take months given the current pressure on the NHS with the pandemic. I feel quite anxious and would love to hear other people's experiences with fibroids and what my next steps might be. Surgery? Medication? Watch and wait? Please get in touch.
Questions about Fibroids: I recently... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Questions about Fibroids

Hi there, I have a 6×5cms fibroid in my endocervical canal. I have symptoms of pain and pressure, a heavy feeling inside, bleeding and discharge also. It is really very miserable ... I hate it. Good luck x
Hi, thanks for responding. Sorry to hear you are suffering with it. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I have read that fibroids are more common on 30yrs+, I'm only 25 and feel worried at the thought of this inhibiting my chances to get pregnant. x
Hi there sorry to jump on post but I noticed you asking about age and fibroids age is not just a factor it can also depend on your ethnicity those from a black or Asian minority are more prone to fibroids and as far as I'm aware scientists still haven't found out why this is the case but it is very much a case have any of your parents,grandparents had fibroids?x
Hello, No problem at all. Yes I just read about that online too! Crazy. No, no one in my family has fibroids (as far as they’re aware)
And have you had all the relevant checks any biopsies or checking for thyroid function?.the thing I'm finding unusual is your periods have stopped most people bleed more that suggest to me you have excess estrogen as your lining won't be shedding x
No I haven’t had a biopsy yet so feel like that might be the next step... Yes I’m very confused too! It doesn’t quite make sense. But I agree, I’ve researched oestrogen dominance symptoms and thinking about it I do experience lots of those things (low libido, weight gain in hips/things, fibroids, breast tenderness).
Sorry to hear that, sounds dreadfulHow old are you x
Hi I have the same only mine is slightly smaller. I am much older than you (48) and in my case they are giving me Prostap injections to bring on menopause to shrink it and if it doesn't work they will do a hysterectomy. I had all this done during covid and it moved much faster than I thought so you may be surprised. However I guess due to your age and not having children they would want to do a less invasive procedure. They may suggest a mirena or the Prostap for a short period as you will return to nornal functioning after, the menopause is temporary. In my case I am already going through it, hoping it will just finish it. Fingers crossed your case goes through quickly.
Hello, thankyou for your message. I have read that fibroids are more common in women 30+, which is why I am surprised to have such a large one at only 25! Thankyou for your reassurance! Hopefully my referral will be quick as I am very anxious to get the the bottom of my absent periods! I'd love to have a family sometime and this is obviously quite a big worry... x
I was diagnosed with fibroids in November 2019 l have 2 the largest being about 2cm. I am now 52, l went to the doctors because l had a brown discharge for about a month. I was told the fibroids were not large enough to cause any problems and that when l went through the menopause they would shrink. I have not been well since last year and was not well over Christmas and went to the doctors and they did a blood test and they have said l have inflammation, l am waiting for a ultrasound now. I don't know if it's the fibroids that is causing the problem but hopefully l will know in the next 3-4weeks.
Hi, thanks for your message and sorry to hear you haven't been well. I'm sure the ultrasound with provide you with more detail as to what's going on. I'm 25 and feel it's quite rare to have such a large fibroid at this age as they tend to develop in women 30+ x
Hi Indianajones, these doctors like to tell patients that with issues like that that they are too small to be causing any issue. Not true. It is an abnormal growth and obviously causing some problems. I would seek second opinion. Perhaps a nutritionist or ecological medicine practitioner. Something is happening to us women that is not being given enough understanding to deal with it in an holistic way. Something is out there that’s causing fibroids and prolapses issues.
hello. What ever happened with your fibroids. I am 28 with 2 very large fibroids once of which blocks my whole cervix. I was told surgery is basically my only option and that without it I most likely would either not be able to get pregnant or stay pregnant. What did you end up doing??
Hey! So sorry to hear you are suffering. I had surgery through the NHS 2 years ago. I ended up having a large, horizontal incision (similar to a c-section) and had my fibroid removed. They can do it key hole but it depends where it is and size etc. I had 8 weeks off work and my periods returned like clockwork a month after the op! My scar has healed really well and I never bloat like I did in the picture. I’m more than happy to chat further about my experience. My insta is @aylajanemunro if you’d like to send me a DM xx