hi , am 10 years post menopause, i have a 3cm fibroid picked up 4 years ago on a scan, i have been having constant utis, i have a few questions , do you think this could be causing my utis, and feeling like am on my period 24/7 with migraines, and would they remove it post menopause, am of a slim small frame, thats why i think it might be the fibroid causing the prob xxx thanks in advance x ps am 55
post menopause fibroids: hi , am 1... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
post menopause fibroids

3cm is fairly small so shouldn't be causing symptoms, I've also had fibroids for more years than I can remember, I think last measured at 6.3cm, my Gynae insists its not a problem and that it will shrink, errrr no it's getting bigger ! and I'm around 15 years post meno. I'm thinking of having a hysterectomy to get rid of everything, I also have long term ovarian cysts.
As for constant uti's, do you suffer with atrophic vaginitis/urethritis because that can cause uti's, topical hrt like Vagifem sorts all that.
just someone said where fibroid is sitting could be causing utis
Hmm not sure why that would cause any uti's, infection normally gets in from the outside.
on the facebook page it has happen to alot of folk they say the fibroid is sitting near bladder or utethra and the bladder cant empty fully causing bacteria to collect xx
That sounds feasible. I have one that is about 4cm which is embedded in the uterus wall and that causes a lot of period pain but then I have not had menopause yet. I am 56. I also have a lot of small fibroids at the neck of the womb which I believe press on my bladder but I do not get uti’s x
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