Around fall of 2018, I started to have sex with a new partner. Prior to this, I have had 4 other partners. No issues at all with my vagina besides like a yeast infection. The first time I had sex with my new partner, it was normal. But one time during sex I noticed that it hurt and I bled afterwards. I didn’t think anything of it because I have heard of women bleeding/spotting after sex. But then it progressed and the pain became much worse. Like to the point where I was completely turned off by sex and could only have it if I was drunk or high (weed) to dull the pain. I went to my gynecologist but she was out for some time so I kept getting her PA. Her PA pretty much told me that she didn’t know what was wrong because all of my test came back fine, so she prescribed me liquid Vicodin to apply 20 mins vaginally before sex. Not the solution I was looking for because not only did it not help but I was looking to find the cause of the pain and especially the bleeding. She also gave me vagina valium which didn’t help. My gynecologist finally came and was frustrated with my numerous visits and concern so she suggested that I get Botox injected into my nerve to block the pain. At the time I was 19, I didn’t want Botox injected into me. I found a new gyno who told me that I have pelvic floor dysfunction, and pudenal nerve damage. She suggested that I go to pelvic floor physical therapy. I was very discouraged at first but my PT was AMAZING. After months of PT the pain has definitely subsided enough to the point where I can have sec more often. However more times then I would like, the pain is still there but what really bothers me is the bleeding! Has anyone experienced this?? I have had every test done to figure out why I’m bleeding but nothing. And when I google vaginal bleeding I feel even more overwhelmed. This whole experience has taken a toll on my mental health and definitely my sex life at this young age. I’m 21 now.
Pain and bleeding during sex - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pain and bleeding during sex

Have you had an ultrasound scan? Fibroids can cause pain and bleeding during/after sex.
I think you need more are your periods?there can be lots of causes of bleeding after sex fibroids,endometriosis and damage to your cervix to name a few I don’t want to scare you but I’m shocked no further tests were made like an ultrasound bleeding is very serious I could understand if you had rough sex but it doesn’t sound that surprised Botox is all they offered and creams these are cheap solutions take it on yourself to have some scans done privately and see if you can get answers if they won’t listen then show them your findings
If I was you I would get checked out for stds namely chlamydia as this causes bleeding after sex. Also use plenty of lubrication when having sex.
Can be endometriosis you can surch it up
I know this is a old post but I found it trying to find people in a similar problem. My Oxford based gynaecologist says bleeding from these areas could be from your pelvic muscles squeezing the blood vessels too tight basically cutting off oxygen. The skin around the vagina gets starved off oxygen and is therefore much more prone to tearing.