I have had pelvic pain for almost 2 years now. I've had a pelvic exam and transvaginal ultrasound and nothing was found. My last period ended about 10 days ago and yesterday I started light bleeding again. I have pain in my hips, thighs, pelvic area and back. I did have almost 2 months of no pain until a month ago. I'm just wondering if anyone else has these symptoms and what they were diagnosed with?
Bleeding between periods: I have had... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Bleeding between periods

Sounds like nerve pain if its in your back, nerves run from your back wrap around your hips and run into the pelvis and into the uterus and ovaries. My idiot ongyn gave me a "diagnostic" lap which made everything worse led to a hysterectomy which was unnecessary because my uterus was healthy and oh she decided to take the left ovary. 2.5 years post op in chronic pain flew to johns Hopkins to see the top nerve specialist, he said he sees that all of the time. See a pelvic floor pt they can help with the muscles and possibly the nerves if they know about the pudendal nerve
Dear Pepper,
Did you have other gyne issues such as heavy or irregular bleeding as well?
Yes i did. But looking back my obgyn just threw birth control
pills at me she never tested my hormones. I wish i would have seen a bioidenticals hormone Dr because they treat imbalances that cause heavy bleeding. Acupunture might help decrease the bleeding but it will take several times to go. Chinese herbs may help as well
Any chance you could be a diabetic? I presume you are posting because of the bleeding
As far as I know no. I was tested for diabetes 1 year ago. And yes I'm very concerned about the bleeding. This has never happened before and it seems to be getting heavier and I'm and tired.
My issues started like this. Worsening back ache, ibs-like pain with bowel movements then unexpected bleeding 10 days into my cycle which evolved into a nightmare period!
Long story later, I've been diagnosed with adenomyosis. However, I also wonder about nerve issues, which is why I'm curious to know more from Pepper
I had heavy bleeding too. Are your hormones balanced? Have you tried Chinese herbs and japanese acupuncture? It is a more relaxing form. The hips back pain can be from nerves or muscles. Maybe see an osteopath for adjustments another option is Mayan abdominal massage.
Endometriosis can cause hips, thighs, pelvic area and back pain as well as irregular and abnormal cycles.