Hi guys. I’m taking small amounts of cbd oil for joint pain. Has anyone else used cbd oil? wondering is it has any negative interactions with urso and if it’s safe for your liver. Ty!
Cbd oil: Hi guys. I’m taking small amounts... - PBC Foundation
Cbd oil

My advice would be check it with your consultant i really dont know
I take cbd oil (8-10 mg per day) for the nausea I get from taking Urso. I talked to my hepatologist who said it was not problem to take it. It does help with the nausea.
There is not a lot of research available but what there is said no harm to liver. My labs are stable on Urso, so it isn't affecting how it's working for me. Do make sure to get it from a good source. Mine is grown organically in US so I know it doesn't have pesticides. It's called Hempworx. It has only minute amount (<.03%) THC so there is no "high". It has fewer side effects than most medications!
Hi! I started using Hempworks over a month ago for the joint pains and it has helped alleviate much of my leg pains, has helped me sleep so much better and my labs got better after one month. I did clear it with my doctor. I take two drops in the am and 2 in the pm for sleep of the 750. You can order it online.
I read on a Hempworks Facebook page that they have discovered that someone is manufacturing a knock off of their product and that someone had bought the off brand through Amazon. It was a good fake as far as the packaging. Now Hempworks is going to have a certified seal on it's package because it has been through rigorous testing to prove that it was pure, solvent free and pathogen free. (I just copied this from that page. I have not used this product because I'm waiting for permission from my doctor. I just think that if/when that day comes, this is the company I'll use.)
This is an interesting thread. When I was first diagnosed, I did some research to see if using THC oil would be a better alternative than alcohol to relax. There's a study out there that says PBC patients have THC receptors in their livers (most people don't). Weird, right? I've never loved marijuana and the times I used it, it hit me like a freight train, so I've been reluctant to go there. Recently, I've realized I have symptoms of anxiety and have been considering CBD oil. I planned to ask my doctor about this when I see her next week. I'll let you know what she says.
Does anyone know where we can get it from in the UK?
theoriginalalternativeoffic... are a few of the recommended sites .......I buy mine from the Original Alternative Official site ...hope this helps there are lots more companies
opps I haven't copied addresses properly Pharmahemp store, Cheds CBD oil ,CBD Tardis online,,,,lots more if you google
Hi I’ve just read your thread with interest, I’m really suffering with joint pain and I don’t want to be on codeine the rest of my life. I went on the site you recommended, how do you know what one to order and how long before it starts to work .
Regards kieraferret
Can I suggest you join the Facebook group Nature' CBD Haven ....they will have files on the best to use as I don't suffer with pain .....I've read that a lot of them use green paste .....you have to start really slowly and build it up over the weeks until it starts to work for you
I have been taking 300mg of PureKana CBD oil morning and night. I do not know if it has changed by numbers, but I no longer have joint pain and I feel much better. Psychological placebo effect or not unless my liver numbers go up, I'm going to continue. If you look at research from Israel you will find a lot of positive results.
I've recently seen somewhere regarding CBD coffee anyone tried it
Hi I take Copaiba Essential Oil daily to help support my PBC. I spoke to my specialist first and we are checking my bloods regularly to ensure no side effects. The copaiba essential oil (eo) that I use has 60% BCP (Beta-Carophyllene), which is what gives the eo it's therapeutic effect of Cannabis oil (CBD) without any negative or psychotropic side-effects. I also use other essential oils daily in an aromatic dressing to help with my "PBC itch". Let me know if you'd like to know more about these wonderful oils.
I would love to get some information on this. So many people are so happy taking the cbd oil but it's all just personal stories. Is no one doing any scientific studies? I asked the gastroenterologist that I'm seeing and he checked with a liver specialist that he consults with. They decided they were reluctant to recommend that I try it because there either were no scientific studies or studies using a large enough test group for them to feel comfortable about it. Consequently, I haven't tried it because I never want to be responsible for deliberately irritating my poor liver!
I have a friend who has a number of autoimmune diseases, including fibromyalgia, that have had her taking large doses of various pain killers for years. She tells me that since she has started cbd oil, she is no longer taking the pain killers. That alone I would think, would be better for her liver, not to process that. But she never told her doctor that she started with the oil and stopped with the pain killers - and I would never do that.