I heard that cbd oil can grow new liver cells - Im actively looking in this but want to know if anyone else has learned anything about it or tried it.
Has anyone tried CBD oil for cirrhosis? - PBC Foundation
Has anyone tried CBD oil for cirrhosis?

Interesting you ask. I was just reading something about that today and was wondering myself
I have been taking it since June , not for PBC but to see if it would help me with vertigo.
My Fibro scan results in December were better but I don't know if it was due to diet and exercise ( I had lost half a stone ) or the oil, my LFTs were no better. I am one of the lucky ones who has no symptoms of PBC so I can't comment on improvement in symptoms.
Can I suggest if you are in the UK you join the Facebook group CBD Consumer Group UK / EU , you will find a lot of help on there about choosing what strength and type of oil might help you.
With CBD everyone reacts differently to different oils. Before people say it's illegal in the UK , it's not. I get mine from the CBD Brothers web site , I started on white oil which is about £50 a bottle ( a bottle lasts approx 6 weeks , so it doesn't work out too expensive ) it stopped working after 4 months so I bought a stronger oil .
What it helps me with is sleep .......I now can't be without it ....I have slept well since starting it .
Hope this helps .x
I have taken it for two years, way before knowing I had PBC, I used it for the anti-inflammatory benefits. I loved the well being effect it had on me, I ran out in early December and didn't order more because I wasn't sure if it was ok with the PBC. I have recently read tho that it's not only fine but recommended for people with liver problems or cirrhosis. As far as growing new cells, I've never heard that before but who knows.....To Buddy2017 oh my god! Thank you sooo much, I haven't been able to sleep regularly lately and figured it was just one of our symptoms of pbc but now that you mention it, it started after stopping the oil! I'm going to order more now....funny that thought never even occurred to me before. I'll talk with my doc first I suppose, I don't know if anti-inflammatory's are good for us? I used Cannabitol 250 Full Spectrum Hemp Oil made by Hempland USA. It's hard to know which brand is the best because it's all fairly new to the public. Mine is $199.00 for a 6 month supply (that's 6 bottles).
What is the name of cbd oil you have had success with? What is the name of the website you bought it from?
I worry about scammers.
Are you in UK ?
Buddy 2017,
I live in Pennsylvania, USA where formal medical care is supported by phamaceutical company and big business research. Can you only buy CBD oil if you are in UK? Do you know of research studies proving CBD oil improves hepatic liver functions panel (alkaline phosphatase, etc.) and PBC symptoms of itchy skin, joint pain and fatigue?
The website I use only deals in Uk I believe .....CBD Brothers....check them out , I would google if I were you for research.....if it's legal in your State you will have many more websites to buy from than people in UK
cannibis isn't legal in pennsylvania, I worry ablut getting arrested!
I would too, lol! Sure not legal in Texas either, no matter what form it is.
CDB oil is legal in the state of Texas
Cannabidiol (CBD) I believe is legal at the State level but possibly not at the Federal level. Very murky laws but since it has little or no THC in it, it is not the same as cannabis oil. It is made by the non-psychoactive part of the plant so you get no "high" from it. I don't think the purchaser has anything to worry about, or I wouldn't buy either, they're mostly keeping an eye on the manufacturers to make sure what they're making it out of. Last I knew there were only 5 states that were still against it, Texas being one of them (gwillistexas lol you are correct) but my state of Michigan and yours of Pennsylvania are approved. But like I said at the state level. I personally am not the least bit worried about it as there is no THC drug in it other than maybe a small trace amount below .03%. Michigan laws still prohibit the farming of hemp plants, not to be confused with marijuana plants, for who knows what reason. Hemp is used for fabric, rope and many medicinal products ect....the list goes on. I would grow it on my 10 acres if it were allowed. I'm not implying I would make my own oil, that takes expertise that I have none of, but certainly would sell it to the clothing or furniture industry.
CBS oil is hemp oil
Yes and no regarding your statement that CBD oil is Hemp oil. All comes from cannabis, but from a different part of the plant. Hemp oil derived from a part of the plant that is lower concentration of CBD's, CBD oil from another part of higher concentration. Therefore, Hemp oils better for cosmetic products, CBD for medicinal....
My USA hepetologist said cannibis is not good for pbc. She doesn’t have pbc though and she works in the USA, where pharmaceutical companies and big business tell researchers what results to find and decide what drugs you need. I’d love to read non USA research about what canninbis can do for my dry itchy skin, inflammation, hair, depression, elevated alkaline phosphatase, sore shoulder and knees, etc
I also buy a CBD balm.....I use it for everything, my face , dry skin on feet and a wart ........ my son had a crop of flat warts ( sorry don't know medical name ) on his forehead , he's been under the hospital for 2 years with no improvement , 4 weeks of the balm and they had gone !!! I'm now using it on my wrinkles
Sounds like a miracle cream, Buddy2017. Where do you get your DBD balm? My feet are so dry that the skin cracks open. Regular body lotion/cream doesn't help.
CBD Brothers web site if you are in UK
I am an herbalist and soap maker and I make a lotion with hemp oil, Chamomile, Marshmallow root, Calendula, comfrey, shea butter, colloidal oatmeal that is awesome for dry skin. I cant keep it in stock. I make many custom blends for my clients.
I need non scamming company names, seems like everyone has the agenda of making a quick buck. Please share the CBD oil company name of the product you used on your sons warts. By the way I just discovered honey, ghee and vinegar aliviates the look of wrinkles, especially on your neck! And chest!
jlruggie, I'm not sure which of us you are asking about websites but we both stated the sites in our posts. Good luck and hope you find something that works well for you
It is also my understanding that marijuana is not good for your liver UGGGG! But CBD's are. Im meeting with a doctor in Feb who is a liver specialist at the University of Miami to get more information on this and I will report back. I am seeing him specifically for this information.
I too have heard that CBD with low TCH is good for any autoimmunes. I found a fascinating read in regards to Endocannabinoids in our brain. Hence why they say CBD is needed for us.
did you ever find out if marijuana was bad for the liver?
Did you ever find out if CBD oil would help with cirrhosis of the liver?
Hi! I was invited and went recently for a meeting where the CBD oil was introduced. I have been afraid to take it because I was also recently diagnosed with PBC. I live in Miami area, and have been waiting for an appointment with a UM’s doctor (got the appointment for May almost 2 months ago). Who is your doctor at UM? Thank you!
Dr Shiff is the specialist at university of Miami. I did not go to see him yet. My mom and my sister passed away within 4 months of each other and I had to postpone as I wasn’t too good. I see Marc Avila in kendall. I’m in Miami as well. I love him. He studied under Dr Schiff. I’m please with how he ms ages my care. As soon as I have more info I’ll come back here.
Hi Redhead1226
is it possible you can forward on the link to the article stating that cbd oil can grow new liver cells - very interesting
Did you stumble across more information since this post?
*******Someday - someone is going to figure this all out for us*******
Your liver naturally repairs itself on its own. I had cirrhosis of the liver from PBC and after 8 years of taking Urso I have NO cirrhosis of the liver. BUT I take my Urso exactly 12 hours apart every day. I use my phone alarm to remind me. I also eat healthy, stay active, don't drink or do recreational drugs and keep a positive outlook.
WOW, this is a great post! THANK YOU FOR SHARING THAT!!!
I seen your post on going to the Dr at Miami to see if CBD would be ok for the liver. Did you find out if it is? My sister has had PBC and Lupus for 10 years and I though it might help her if its ok for her to take it.
Thank you for you replies. I contacted the PBC Organisation and they advised me to read the research papers. They have sent me the document. I don't know how to upload it on here. But if I am sent an email I will forward it to you. Regards
Morning....Lots of different thoughts of this. I spoke with my specialists about using CBD oil and they said, no problem. You would have to be taking huge amounts daily for it to effect your liver. So, since I cannot take URSO and have high LFT's, I found a good CBD+MCT zero THC tincture. Started low and now my max is 500mg daily. My last labs showed my ALP dropped over 100 points. Also, my anxiety is very much reduced with this as with any aches and pains. Helps with sleep too. Be well