Has anyone used cbd oil and have you found it effective.
It’s reported to help the liver and wondering if anyone has more information or a good website to check.
Has anyone used cbd oil and have you found it effective.
It’s reported to help the liver and wondering if anyone has more information or a good website to check.
Hi, I am considering trying tjis for pain as well as liver, but there's a lot of different information out there about it ...
Plus I am zero tolerance on drug's so that could be a problem.
Check with your doctor
Where did u get that information? If you want try cbd u can try but there is no scientific evidence that help liver rarer damage more..I’m a occasional smoker and I smoke to get high not cure my liver 😁
I've used a strong CBD oil for 2 years daily, it has done nothing for my liver but what it does do is help me sleep. Try searching for CBD in the search box , there are many posts about it
Thank you all for your prompt replies. I guess I'll have to research more and check with doctor 😏
Be careful and monitor blood work. Caused my levels to spike
I would love to hear what you learn. I have anxiety, sometimes way more than others. I hate to take any new drugs. I feel like I take so many and that it can't be good for my liver. My daughter is experimenting with CBD oil with her child who is on the autism spectrum. There seems to be a fair amount of research that supports it in that situation. She suggested that I try it but I don't put anything in my mouth any more without running it by the doctor. The problem I found is that neither of the two doctors I asked had read any information about it and so each was reluctant to give the go-ahead. It's my impression ( and I could be wrong) that most of the information out there at this time is people's stories and personal observations, not scientific research. I wish there were some scientific studies about its properties and successes, especially now that it's getting to be so accessible to the average person.
Hi littsygirl
I agree Doctors won't give an opinion just say yea you could try it, this is one of the reasons I put the ? To healthunlocked.
From what I can gather it seems to be safe unless you have a mutation in your liver pathway that processes medications. If that is the case you would need to be careful if you're on other Meds .
If I discover anymore info I'll post it. I started on 5%. The full dropper is 37mgs and was way too much for me I just wanted to sleep. I have cut it back to 12 mgs and stay on that for a few weeks and increase slowly if I think it helps
Hi, I know I am late in responding to this topic. I have been doing lots of reading about "REAL" CBD oils vs HEMP oils. Interesting reads. I started looking for my husbands health issues so started googling medication interactions/ contraindications with CBD oils. There are quite a few articles that list different classes of pharmaceuticals and how they react with CBD oils. I couldn't find anything about the liver, but lots about general inflammation reduction and lowering anxiety. The benefits list is very long, although, not much information PBC, of course. So, I purchased a high quality, very low dose tincture of CBD's and started with half the recommended dose. This way I can see how much really helps me. Within about 30 minutes, I noticed I was calmer. Later that day I realized I was less achy. So, after staying half dose for about a week, I increased it to full dropper each morning. I'm much more even, much less aches and pains, better mood....We'll see about the inflammation. My hope is that on next labs, there might be a difference in LFT"S.
Be well
Thanks mrspeffer for your informative reply.. I started it and stopped it again as I wasn't sure. Maybe I'll try again and see what happens.. you seem to have got a positive response! Wishing you well 😊
My mom was diagnosed 2 years ago. She is on Urso and has her blood work drawn every 3 months. She tried CBD oil but did not have any luck with it lowering any of her lab work. She is currently on another product that she started about 3 months ago. Her enzymes are normalized and her alkaline phosphatase is down 24 points! Her doctor told her not to get off of it. If anyone wants the info I’m happy to get it for you. ❤️ She was pretty excited to get the news!
I would like the product information. Thanks.
The website is revitalu.com/skinnyvictory
She brews her normal decaf coffee, then adds in the Smart coffee and uses her creamer like normal.