I am a returning blogger and would love to reconnect with all of you. I have had pbc for a few years now and manage my condition with URSO. I want to stop taking amitriptyline because it makes me really dehydrated and I keep waking for a drink so very disturbed sleep pattern.
Would using CBD oil affect my PBC in any way - PBC Foundation
Would using CBD oil affect my PBC in any way

Hello Twill, I cannot say anything about CBD oil but I do use guided sleep meditation recordings from YouTube to help me sleep, when I use this method to drop off for a week I find I get a really good night for several days without listening in. I think you would have to ask your specialist about using CBD instead of amitriptyline as I think you would need to be guided through reduction of medication if you want to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Hi Twill. I have been on Urso for many years now and I asked my specialist a few months ago, seeing as my levels were fine, could I stop taking Urso. She was very off hand and said,"Why Not." So I did and the itch came back and my levels went up. So started up again and levels fine again. One thing I have noticed lately, is that my hair seems thinner. I have loved having thick hair, so a bit annoyed about that. Having said that, it may have nothing to do with Urso and all be in my head. Ha Ha! No pun intended. The other thing is that I'm not young anymore. I just turned 70 so basically, my hair may be getting thinner because I'm getting old.. Hate that, but it is just a fact of life. Don't know if any of this is of interest to you but it's all info for later use.
I took URSO for a very short time and lost a bit of hair. When I was taken off it my hair stopped coming out.
Good question. CBD seems to be touted as a 'cure all' so I'm always up for something new. Bit hard to get here in Australia but not impossible. Can you try it and let us know how your LFT and inflammatory levels go?
Hi Twill...As one of those rare folks who is not able to take either of the 2 medications for our disorder, I have had to look at other things. My LFT's were higher than my "normal" high
and my CRP was too high also. I started using CBD oil for the inflammation and had about a 25% reduction some of my LFT's and my CRP is coming down too. Would this have happened on it's own? Not sure and rather doubt it. I also more recently began TUDCA . It's a natural bile salt that has been shown in many studies to be effective in lowering LFT's. As I have digestive issues as well, I couple the TUDCA with Boswellia to reduce colon inflammation. I'm due for labs in a few months. Right now I'm staying away from labs and doctors offices as much as possible. Hope you find the answers that work for you. Be well
I checked it out it says it's bad for the liver. But ask your Dr