Hi, I am a long time member but first time poster. I really enjoy reading all the post on this site and people are so genuinely helpful. I would love if someone could have a look and explain them to me.
I am 64 and have pernicious anemia over 40 years. I am with a new surgery over 1.5 years and have never seen a GP face to face. I have had two days phone appointments during that time only apart from my B12 every 3 months with the nurse. Any test results I get is a text message saying results ok but no one explains them to me,
Family history includes pernicious anemia, several family members including my own daughter have under active thyroid. My daughter had 1/3 of her kidney removed due to diseased kidney. Family members have died of cancer.
Bone profile
EGRF using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metresErythrocyte sedimentation rateSerum ferritin levelHaemoglobin A1c level - IFCC standardisedLiver function testsRenal profileThyroid function testSerum urea level
it said results Borderline
Bone profile Serum albumin level 42 g/L [35.0 - 50.0]Serum calcium level 2.38 mmol/L [2.2 - 2.6]Serum adjusted calcium concentration 2.34 mmol/L [2.2 - 2.6]Serum alkaline phosphatase level 69 u/L [30.0 - 130.0]Serum inorganic phosphate level 0.91 mmol/L [0.8 - 1.5]
eGFR using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metres eGFR using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metres 58 mL/min [> 60.0]; Renal function probably normal when eGFR >60 withno other evidence of kidney damage.Interpret with caution in elderly, pregnant andamputees. Advice by e-mail from:RenalReferralAdvice.enh-tr@nhs.net orrenal.orgProvided acute kidney injury has been excluded -this eGFR is consistent with CKD stage G3a Below Recommended Range
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 13 mm/hour [0.0 - 20.0]
Serum ferritin level 127.0 ng/mL [13.0 - 150.0]; PLEASE NOTE: There has been a change in Ferritinreference ranges for some age groups.Ferritin results should be interpreted togetherwith the clinical picture.
Haemoglobin A1c level - IFCC standardised Haemoglobin A1c level - IFCC standardised 34 mmol/mol [0.0 - 41.0]; HbA1c >=48 mmol/mol is diagnostic of DiabetesMellitus (DM). If asymptomatic repeat HbA1c within2 weeks for confirmation. If repeat <48 mmol/molnon-diabetic hyperglycaemia is present, please seebelow.HbA1c 42 - 47 mmol/mol indicates 'Non-diabeticHyperglycaemia' (NDH) with high risk of developingType 2 DM. Lifestyle changes are advised andrecheck progression to Type 2 DM. If NDH resultis within the last year, please consider referralto the National Diabetes Prevention Programme.HbA1c < 48 does not exclude diabetes in patientsdiagnosed with plasma glucose testingHbA1c < 42 mmol/mol does not exclude ongoing riskof diabetes. If patient is clinically high riskfor developing DM, suggest repeat in 1 year.*** Please note anything that alters red bloodcell turnover will make HbA1c results unreliableeg anaemia, B12 deficiency, renal failure, recentblood transfusion ***
Liver function tests Serum total protein level 69 g/L [60.0 - 80.0]Serum globulin level 27 g/LSerum bilirubin level 7 umol/L [0.0 - 20.0]Serum alanine aminotransferase level 14 u/L [0.0 - 32.0]Renal profile Serum sodium level 143 mmol/L [133.0 - 146.0]Serum potassium level 5.0 mmol/L [3.5 - 5.3]Serum creatinine level 90 umol/L [44.0 - 80.0]; Above high reference limit
Thyroid function test Serum free T4 level 19.3 pmol/L [11.0 - 22.0]Serum TSH level 1.37 miu/L [0.27 - 4.2]Serum urea level 5.2 mmol/L [2.5 - 7.8]
Full blood count
Full blood count Total white blood count 6.1 10*9/L [4.0 - 11.0]Haemoglobin concentration 130 g/L [120.0 - 160.0]Platelet count - observation 226 10*9/L [150.0 - 450.0]Red blood cell count 4.1 10*12/L [4.0 - 5.2]Haematocrit 0.38 L/L [0.36 - 0.46]Mean cell volume 93 fL [80.0 - 100.0]Mean cell haemoglobin level 32 pg [27.0 - 32.0]Mean cell haemoglobin concentration 340 g/L [280.0 - 355.0]Red blood cell distribution width 13.5 % [11.8 - 14.8]Neutrophil count 3.78 10*9/L [2.0 - 7.0]Lymphocyte count 1.71 10*9/L [1.0 - 3.0]Monocyte count - observation 0.46 10*9/L [0.2 - 1.0]Eosinophil count - observation 0.12 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.4]Basophil count 0.04 10*9/L [0.02 - 0.1]Nucleated red blood cell count < 0.5 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.5]Mean platelet volume 10.5 fL [7.8 - 11.0]
I am so sorry it is such a long post. I am so tired lately and had hoped the blood tests would tell me something but all I got from GP was test results ok.
I have tried to Google but it only confused me more. I live in UK.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.