I have obtained my bloods from my doctor, who said (before the bloods were taken, based on test results 3 months ago) that I am anaemic, although I don't know which type of anaemia. I don't have a follow up appointment for some time so was wondering if anyone with a greater knowledge than me, can make head or tail of these results. He did say however, based on prior results, that I do not have iron deficiency anaemia. Unfortunately, according to my results, there was insufficient bloods to obtain a value for several things, see below. In addition, I have had a total thyroidectomy 2 months ago after finding several follicular lesions on both sides of the thyroid, although I am still waiting for pathology results as to whether these were malignant or benign.
Plasma Glucose Level (XM0ly) 5.0mmol/L (3.3-6)
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD (XaK8y) >90 mL/min
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (XE2m7) 41mm/h (0.0-10.0) Above Range
Serum C reactive protein level (XalNL) 27mg/L (0.0-6.0) Above Range
Haemoglobin concentration (Xa96v) 126g/L (130-170) Below Range
Red blood cell count 4.66 10*12/L (4.5-6.5)
PCV 0.384 (0.4-0.54) Below Range
Mean Cell Volume 82.0 fL (83-101) Below Range
Mean Cell Haemoglobin Level (XE2pb) 26.9 pg (27.0-32.0) Below Range
Mean Cell Haemoglobin concentration 327 g/L (315-360)
Total white blood count 9.3 10*9/L (4.0 - 10.0)
Neutrophil count 5.50 10*9/L (2.0 - 7.0)
Percentage neutrophil count (XE2mP) 59.1
Lymphocyte count 2.43 10*9/L (1.0-3.0)
Percentage Lymphocyte count 26.1
Monocyte count - observation 0.82 10*9/L (0.2-1.0)
Percentage monocyte count (XE2mR) 8.8
Eosinophil count - observation 0.44 10*9/L (0.02-0.5)
Percentage eosinophil count 4.7
Basophil count 0.12 10*9/L (0.0-0.1) Above Range
Percentage basophil count 1.3
Platelet count - observation 279 10*9/L (150-400)
Mean platelet volume 7.3 fL
Serum creatinine level (XE2q5) 80umol/L (62.0-124.0)
Serum Sodium Level (XE2q0) 140mmol/L (135.0-145.0)
Serum Potassium Level (XE2pz) 4.67 mmol/L (3.5-5.0)
Serum Urea Level (XM0lt) 6.7 mmol/L (2.5-6.6) Above Range
Haemoglobin A1c Level (XaPbt) 44 mmol/molHb (26.0-42.0) Above Range
Regret sample insufficient for analysis of B12, folate, ferritin & TSH
Any comments appreciated, Thanks