Pain Sucks!!: Hi, my name is Nikki & I am 28yrs... - Pain Concern

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Pain Sucks!!

ntaber89 profile image
29 Replies

Hi, my name is Nikki & I am 28yrs old. I have been dealing with chronic pain for too many yrs to count. I have migraines. I have been on so many meds to help them. I am currently doing Botox every 3 months & taking at least 3 other meds for the migraines. I have been through a lot of surgeries which dealt me pain & chronic pain meds. In 2004 - right shoulder surgery. In 2005 - right elbow surgery. On April 13th 2006 - appendix taken out surgery. On June 1st 2012 - sinus surgery. On October 9th 2012 - right ankle surgery. On June 26th 2013 - gallbladder taken out surgery. On March 25th 2014 - wisdom teeth taken out surgery. On July 31st 2015 - endoscopy & colonoscopy. On November 15th 2016 - right knee surgery. On May 5th 2017 - right knee surgery #2. On January 9th 2018 - total right hip replacement surgery. Then I have upcoming surgery on July 19th 2018 - right leg surgery. I have no idea how I have survived this long in so much pain off/on. As a result of all this chronic pain, I became a drug addict of opioids, & Xanax. But I have been drug free for about 4 years now. I still take opioids, but they are controlled, only take it as a last resort & I let my mom know when I take a strong pain med, so we keep track. I also have mental health issues & other medical issues.

I hope that I can get support, advice, etc. on dealing with all this pain. Have any of you had chronic pain like this? What have y’all been doing for it? Do you have any non medical things that you have done to help with your chronic pain.

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ntaber89 profile image
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29 Replies


I have a friend who for years had really bad migranes, he would be off work for days because of them, doing nothing but lie in bed. Then he discovered the diath system and hus migraines have gone.

Look into it and see what you think.

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to

Is that the ear piercing thing?

in reply to ntaber89


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The migraine piercing is a 50/50 chance of working and is called diath piercing.

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Might be worth a try.

in reply to

Their is more places in the ear. I have just had the outer conch piercing for shoulder pain which seems to be working

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I hope it lasts.

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Thank you. I hope so too

Bananas5 profile image

I have a friend who had a very serious motor bike accident some years ago which resulted in hime losing his arm. Anesthetic and surgery. He had further anesthetic and surgery over the following few years for further injuries.

The consultant has confirmed he now has CFS?ME which is often caused by too many operation with anesthetics.

Could you have Chronic fatigue symptom??? CFS/ME?


ntaber89 profile image

I will have to google Chronic fatigue syndrome CFS. Is the ME part of CFS?

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to ntaber89

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex, multifaceted disorder characterized by extreme fatigue and a host of other symptoms that can worsen after physical or mental activity, but do not improve with rest.

morphalot profile image
morphalot in reply to ntaber89

CFS and ME are two names for the same thing. My friend who has ME says that fatigue is the worst thing if you have these conditions.

Kimsome profile image

I find Epson salt bath 🛁, swimming in cold water when it's warm out, foot message and CBD oil, no THC.

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to Kimsome

I would love to do the epson salt bath or swimming in cold water when hot out, but I can’t sit down in a bathtub cuz of my new hip and I am having leg surgery on Thursday. But I may try them or other ones once I am able to. Thank you

morphalot profile image
morphalot in reply to ntaber89

Your hip isn't so new now - have you been TOLD not to have baths? I've had both hips replaced but I can't remember how long I had to wait before having a bath. I know I had a bad fall in the shower only 5 weeks after a hip replacement and the x-Ray showed that absolutely nothing had moved. It's worth checking with your doctor or physio whether or not you can have a bath. There are all sorts of aids you can use - bath seat, inflated bath seat that lowers you into and lifts you out of the bath by inflating and deflating, or a battery operated chair that does the same thing. Migraines - I don't know if you've tried sumatriptan but it's very effective. Its other name is Imigran. You haven't said where your current pain is but as my physio tells me, with chronic pain the cause does not matter - pain is pain wherever it is in your body. Pain management is not usually involving a doctor, but rather a physio, occupational therapist, psychologist, nurse. They help you get off all medication and deal with your pain in different ways. Good luck

JeffMett profile image

Yes I have chronic pain, it must be 10 years now. I have to go to work, I work on checkouts for 16 hours a week this actually causes some of my pain to be worse. I am on Working Tax Credits so if I stop going to work I would lose that. So I am trying to deal with the pain and be nice to Customers. This is not easy and my Doctors don't think it's a job that I should be doing. I sit there pretending to be alright and fielding questions like how are you this morning and I have to fine thankyou while I'm gritting my teeth. Then I get the odd nasty one were I just feel like ripping heads off. So is this a good thing like today I have got no work and I just sit here on my own and I can sulk as much as I want, the latest problem is that I am not getting any exercise because it takes that long to recover from work. So chronic pain is nasty and there is no way round it, but I say just try and find something you like doing so you can stop thinking about it all the time.

morphalot profile image

Hi - you sound a lot like me - I've had loads of surgery over the years, to many to list. For migraine - I used sumatriptan which were brilliant, and my migraines were so bad that doctors thought I was having a stroke. Looking at your other pains you seem to have done really well with your opioids - well done! There are bits of your post that make me think you're American? I don't know if you have them over there but, if so, ask to be referred to a pain management clinic. They can teach you lots of techniques for dealing with your pain on a daily basis. For example - pacing - which isn't just about stopping when you've had enough as my physio recently explained! Good luck with it all x

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to morphalot

I am American. I have seen a pain management doctor and that could not help me.

ntaber89 profile image

It’s complicated, my knee and leg won’t allow me to be comfortable sitting so low in a bathtub. It hurts too bad. I also have necrosis in my leg, that is why I am having surgery on my leg on Thursday, hopefully after this surgery I will be able to get into a bathtub.

Prayer. Heat sometimes. Keeping moving through the pain although, when it is so bad it immobilises me just have to wait it out.

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yeah. It gets really hard. But I just keep on trying to keep everything moving. It’s hard though, cuz I had a bad cold with a high fever last week. I still have a cough and sinus pressure and drainage.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to ntaber89

That's an awful lot you have to deal with - so many operations and your next one soon. I think you are very brave.

Just a thought, have you ever had Thyroid Function blood tests and any antibodies blood tests such as Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Thyroglobulin?

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to Mary-intussuception

They have checked me for thyroid blood tests. I am a little anemic.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to ntaber89

Did you get any copies of your blood tests results

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to Mary-intussuception

It’s all on a portal kind of thing for my medical group that I belong with. If you want to discuss this further then we can message privately on here, so no one else can see.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to ntaber89

Just wondered if you know for sure if your Thyroid is OK.

ntaber89 profile image
ntaber89 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yes they have checked in many times and it’s fine

I have had cprs for 8 years now and it's horrible as anyone knows. I have had many tablets many treatments. One if the main things I have found is to keep active even if that's going for walk. I have a hot tub which I would recommend to anyone being cold for me is worse for the pain. Accupunture is a good one to have even if it's from time to time. I have had a piercing in my ear which has eased the pain in my shoulder I would be more than willing talk to anyone if you need more info. It doesn't go away but you can make your life easier. Bless anyone with any ailments.

Kimsome profile image

What you described could totally be me. Only I was 37 at diagnosis. In 2011. I was diagnosed with small lymphocytic leukaemia. My new hematalogist told me I had advanced CLL and would need to start chemo that day. No I'm kidding I had to get a port first.

Why,? Advanced cancer calls for aggressive chemo FCR, THEN after 5 treatments and multiple trips to the hospital we had to stop with the chemo. But now eight years later, I'm so tired I can't do a lot, which put meat on my bones that needs to come off soon. Trying to maintain a schedule to include the outdoors. Lay in a lawn chair and tell yourself... I can take time for myself when I know there is nothing else pressing. But I have terrible neuropathy pain, bone pain, tingling right side after a bad case of shingles. Sometimes it's prickly and burning. So I've been on opioid pain meds. Recently My PCP all but cut me

Off of the pain meds I need to get pout of bed and be a mom, wife, friend.

I do that and try to get out even if I feel icky. I tried CBD candy. It says 25mg candy squares. Very little THC. It seems to be working, as in pain reduction. Problem, 10 are 30 dollars. So that won't work. Going to the ocean is awesome no Matter how I feel.

I just don't appreciate feeling like a criminal when I explain why, in my case, I needs medicine for pain. Would you agree people IN PAIN that changes the way the contribute to their family, friends because I'm always in bed needs a lift to make it to a few places. I tried massage, for me my nerve damage made it feel wierd and uncomfortable. Tomorrow l8tr the next daddy

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