Hi, this is my first post here.
I developed sciatica in my left leg last May after having my baby girl in Feb.
It has been a relentless journey of ups & downs & severe pain.
I finally managed to get on meds that seemed to work & after what seemed like a lifetime, in June this yr the pain subsided & I was even able to reduce & come off 2 out of the 3 meds I was on! Yey!
In the meantime i had started back at work, but in July was when I was back to my normal hrs. Within a wk the pain had started again & it has gradually got worse & I now have it in my other leg 😫 I have had a further mri which confirms there’s no serious issue & my herniated disc has even reduced! So I’m back to just trying to deal with this on my own. I’m back up to my full meds & just fed up of being in pain!
my daughter is now full blown toddler & running up a storm & its beginning to impact being with her.
I’m starting physio again nxt wk but didn’t love it when I did it last yr.
Sorry for the long post, just saw this site when looking for support.
Sending love to everyone dealing with chronic pain! 💛 it sucks lol x