Hi to all the ladies on this journey I am 3c ovarian cancer since May 2022 had 8 lots of chemo and debulking surgery and stoma then been on avastin for over a year last one next Friday and also take olaparib I am NED at the moment but I am suffering realy bad with hot sweats and tiredness is anyone else feel the same I do have anxiety I am 63 yrs old I just need some energy sending best wishes to you all
Leo 2327: Hi to all the ladies on this journey I... - My Ovacome
Leo 2327

Hi, I finished Avastin around April last year and I have found that tiredness has gradually reduced and my energy levels increased since stopping it. Hope you have a similar experience.
Thank you for your reply I will keep my fingers crossed that when my avastin that my energy will slowly come back have a lovely day Morini
Has HRT been discussed with you?
Ive just read your story an d though I have been through exactly the same am recovering quite well, do not seem to have your hot sweat symtoms but wanted to send you love and strength as this journey is not easy. Have you reduced the dosage of olaparib and are you taking vitamin D and C? Also is your B12 level good. This may cause excess tiredness.
Im doing gentle yoga every morning this may help you? Good luck from Blackcat29
Hi. I felt the same as you on Olaparib and I did not have Avastin with it. I ended up on 300 mg a day but I still had fatigue and bad hot flashes. It was worth it though. The Olaparib got rid of the cancer I had remaining after chemo and I’m still ned a year after finishing it. Ask about a dose reduction.
Thank you for your reply I am taking 600mg a day and on avastin last one on Fri I get so down cause I have no energy I will ask when I go and see my consultant thank you take care
Stay brave really feel for you good luck xx
ask if you can be on a low dose of steroids. They helped me get through fatigue.