Hello again ,
I posted previously about my CA125 level rising ; I have just received my latest blood test results and it is at 115 .
I am due to finish Olaparib in early May and I’m wondering what I can expect after that .
I have had a couple of CT scans , the last one in December, which showed a supraclavicular lymph node at 15mm and some narrowing of the left ureter . I am due to have another scan in March .
I am really scared at the moment , if the Olaparib is keeping the cancer activity in check to some degree , what on earth is going to happen when I finish the 2 year allotted time on it.
It seems obvious that I am experiencing a recurrence but none of the medical staff will say that at the moment, it’s always a case of “ let’s see what the next scan says “
I think I would feel better if I knew what could happen next and what is available to me .
I was diagnosed in July 2022 , stage 4b HGSOC and I would be grateful if anyone who has been in a similar situation could let me know of their experiences
Many thanks and wishing you all the very best