Hi ,had my first lot of chemo in Jan after nearly a year break when I was on tamoxifen. I just had carboplatin ,and after starting it I came out in a nasty rash on my back .which I was told was shingles also had a oral thrush.so ended up in hospital and treated with antiviral and antifungal treatment.i am having chemo every three weeks . I was supposed to have second lot of chemo last week,but because of the thrush and shingles it was postponed. Seeing my oncologist on Monday and depending on rash ext and what onc. says I should be having chemo on Tuesday.Also I have neuropathy in my toes ,but today it's now in my right foot so am finding it hard to walk .I am wondering if it's connected with the shingles as it's all all affecting my right side . Will see what the onc says on Monday as to whether or not I have chemo on Tuesday.wishing everyone all the best . Julie xx
Shingles: Hi ,had my first lot of chemo in Jan... - My Ovacome

Oh gosh Julie that is sore, is the rash near your sciatic nerve as that would most certainly cause issue in foot, ie or if it is anywhere near the spinal cord? Had shingles many years ago and the pain was bad, it was on my optic nerve but didn't go into my eye thank goodness. Just rest as much as you can

Thanks Suzuki,for your kind reply.The shingles started in the centre of my back and spread round to my right breast.I am going to soak my foot in warm water with Epsom salts in ,I have heard that it can help .So will give it a try. Hope you are keeping well,that sounds horrible and painful where you had your shingles,.. thank's again for your advice I will be taking it on and resting .🙂xx
shingles is horrible and, have found out recently, makes you significantly more susceptible to strokes....if it were me I would make sure the onc. is well informed on this....otherwise have a short break! good luck and thinking of you Chris xxxx
Thanks Chris,I will mention it to my oncologist on Monday
.I hadn't heard of that before.xx
Hope this rash clears Julie and you can have the chemo on Tuesday. Just try and relax before you see Dr L
Love Judy xx
From one shingles sufferer to another I FEEL FOR YOU. Boy was that painful (mine appeared in my "unmentionable" area--go figure). I was not being treated at the time so I am sure it is different but I was given an anti-viral medication (to hopefully ensure it did not come back) and so far, about 12 years later, it has not. And certainly have had my share of stress. Please ask about that (Acyclovir I think is the medication's name but not sure if it would affect chemo or if chemo would effect it).
Wishing you a speedy recovery, that you get out of pain soon, and that you can continue with chemo. oxoxoxo Judy
I had shingles a number of years ago. It was in my auditory nerve, so thought at first it was just a painful ear infection. Then it affected my auditory nerve too, & caused a facial palsy for a while. I was prescribed Acyclovir & steroids. About the neuropathy - are you having taxol as your chemo? If you are, that can cause neuropathy, which should improve once chemo is finished. Di
Hi di no I am not on taxol now just carboplatin, my oncologist said he is goin to weaken the strength of it ,.The next time I have it which should be Tue. I don't think he will want me to have it as I still have the rash, anyway will find out tomorrow.Thankyou for your reply .xx
just to say poor you, my 96 year old mother in law has shingles at the mo and I can see how painful it is. Her age adds to the burden, and so does everything else you are dealing with for you. Wishing you much strength!x

Aaaw I really feel it for your mum in law I hope she will soon be better..mine seem to be going fingers crossed.Thankyou for your message , love Julie xx
Hello Julie
My 80 something sister-in-law had shingles a couple of years ago and having seen at close hand just how painful and debilitating it can be, I do not envy you having to manage treatment as well.
I have neuropathy in my toes and feet but both of them. I hope your onc can sort out these problems for you.
Take care!
Thanks Helen, at hospital waiting for ultrasound scan on my leg .xx
I had shingles about 5 years ago the doctor said I must have been in contact with the chickenpox virus, oh my was it painful. I also wanted to send you hugs.
Ellsey xx
It’s odd it’s only in one foot. My fifteenth Taxol infusion is about to start.
Good luck ,I am at hospital waiting to have chemo . Funny you should say about having it in one foot ,mine was the same . A lot better now thank goodness.sending hugs . Julie xx