Well I am finally writing the thing I hoped I would never have to do. On my 4th canceranniversary plus one day I had a scan and the results were not good in so much that my cancer is progressing. My long suffering oncologist has tried me on everything available and it seems that I am now chemo refractory.
I have had all the drugs agailable including 2 years on Avastin and a whole year on weekly Taxol. I had 6 months on Myocet (caelyx equivelant) and even retried Carboplaitin alone after a 2 year break not to mention the normal frontline treatments of Carbo/taxol then Carbo/Gemcitabin.
I had hoped to have another bash on Caelyx but due to a build up of all the drugs I have been on continually, without any remission, the contractability of my left ventricle has reduced and so my oncologyst will not risk anymore Doxorubisin (Caelyx) type drugs which are known to have adverse effects on the Left ventricle contractibility. Also, although very rare, Avastin can cause problems with the heart, so all in all my poor old body which has put up with so much treatment not to mention three major operations, is finally trying to tell us all something. I did also have a short course on Topotecan but that did nothing for me so it was quickly ditched.
Anyway after being told the final news last night I am now facing up to the fact that this terrible cancer has beaten me! But I do not believe it as actually in spite of everything I am still very well and lead a normal life looking after one of my grandchildren age 2 years, twice a week and running my own equestrian centre, well partly now as my children have taken most on for me, but I still do the accounts etc.
Anyway the one thing I did salvage from the meeting was that the progression was very slow and because I am so well my oncologist is putting me forward to look at three clinical trials in different parts of the country. I am going to make a trip to Glasgow where there a suitable trial, something to do with a virus I think, then there is Mount Vernon in Middlesex and my local at Christies, Manchester. Think we are going to be doing a lot of travelling but if it will extend my life I will travel the world.
My question is, does anyone know anything about any of these trials or indeed has any experience of any trials at all as this is new ground for me so I am hopeing for some positive feedback to latch on to at this stage of my difficult journey.