hello , does anyone else’s ca125 fluctuate a little bit? Mine has gone from 7 to 10 and I’m wondering if this is normal ? X
Ca125 : hello , does anyone else’s ca12... - My Ovacome

hi ,
Don’t worry - that’s normal- mine moves around between 8-12, I was diagnosed in 2020 and it was 98 - stayed between 8-12 since November 2020 when I was stable/ned . Small things can make it fluctuate- think the would only investigate if it kept doubling- less than 35 score is considered normal . Have a lovely weekend xx Janet
Mine has gone from 36, which it was after finishing chemo, and although having been on naraparib for 7 months it's now over 1000. PET scan at the end of November was clear and I'm now awaiting results of a further PET done a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say the wait is nerve racking.
Mine fluctuates between 7 - 10. Currently gone back down to 9. Other infections etc. Can cause it to change. 0 - 35 is normal so try not to focus on it too much mx
Thank you Mccaulm it’s very reassuring that some body else is doing the same thing! I’m never looking on the internet again! I’ll forget about it and get on with life! Have a good weeknd xx
I no longer have mine checked regularly but it hovered between 4 and 15 for at least five years after finishing chemo, and that was not a cause for concern.
Are you still getting routine ct scan at all? I don't think I'll ever not have my bloods checked.
No I haven't had any routine scans since January 2007, two months after finishing treatment. I've had a couple of ultrasounds then, when I went to my GP with strange symptoms (once severe swollen ankles, once what turned out to be gallstones) and she wanted to rule out a recurrence. But I've been cancer-free for almost 19 years now!
Thats pretty amazing. I'm on maintenance therapy for the foreseeable. May I ask what your original diagnosis and stage was? Thanks