Treating Itp with Herbal Supplements : Hi! I'm a newbie... - NRAS


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Treating Itp with Herbal Supplements

Pixiellama profile image
14 Replies

Hi! I'm a newbie here!

I came aboard to find a natural way to treat Itp. Since Prednisone isn't cutting it. Dexamethasone and Eltrombopag also didn't take. The Doctor's want to try rituximab next and I'm a little bit leary of that one. Then of course, if that doesn't work, they'll want to take my spleen and I'm kind of attached to that organ. I'm not really willing to give it up.

So here I am, looking for alternatives, because let's be honest.. something has worked for somebody. Why not me?

Here's what I've found so far:

Amla powder

Ashwagandha root powder

Moringa leaf powder

Guduchi stem powder

(Still waiting on my order of papaya leaf powder)

Bee pollen

Spirulina & Chlorella powder

Kale powder

Aloe juice

Pomegranate juice

Carrot juice

Beets or beet juice

Whole grain cereals, Brown rice, Whole wheat products, Green leafy vegetables

Ridge gourd, Bottle gourd, Round gourd, Bitter gourd, Radish, Carrot, Cucumber, Cabbage, Lettuce, Capsicum, Turnip, Beetroot, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes, Peas, Green leafy vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins, phytochemicals and antioxidants

Apple, Banana, Peach, Pear, Mango, Papaya, Kiwi, Plum, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Custard apple, Chikoo, Pineapple, Figs

Fenugreek, Coriander, Bay leaves, Mint, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cumin, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Fennel, Sunflower Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil


White flour, Fried food, Fast food like pizza, burger, Chocolates, Pickles, Papad, Chutney, Vinegar, White rice, Milk, Curd, Yogurt, Cheese, Paneer.

Red chilies, Green chilies, clove, Excess use of table salt

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, dark grapes and plum

Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Tomato, Eggplant

I just learned about the wheat flour, that it could be impeding my progress, so I guess it's back to the gluten free diet for me.

I say back to, because I was gluten free for a few years. My body would present me with rashes and boils each time I ate anything with gluten in it. Until one day I was healed from it. About 2 months ago. Because in the Bible it talks about how God has given us every plant for our health, and then there's the verse that talks about how the food we eat doesn't poison us, only the words that come from our mouth harms us. The gift of life is in the power of the tongue. So I decided to stop believing the lie that certain foods are not good for us. In moderation. And I immediately stopped having those symptoms. PTL!

I do believe in healing. Sometimes it just happens to be through the food that God has provided. 😊

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Pixiellama profile image
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14 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Sorry but I don’t know what LTP is. However if its working for you then that's good even tho’ it seems like a very expensive list of foods.

(In general we avoid mentioning religion or politics on this site as we have a wide range of people from different backgrounds and with different beliefs)

Troygirl profile image
Troygirl in reply to helixhelix

So glad I live in America!

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Troygirl

Well I’m so glad I don’t. So we’re both happy!

charisma profile image

Hi P

What is Itp?

You have landed on the NRAS ie National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society community.

RA/RD is an auto immune disease that affects the whole body.

Six minutes later: looked it up

I am sorry you have experienced this disease. It is nothing like RA though, so maybe you would consider searching elsewhere for appropriate support and understanding? 🙂

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to charisma

Well done for finding it....yet another autoimmune disease!

I guess Pixiellama can look up posts on Rituximab on here to reassure her as most people get on ok with it.

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to helixhelix

There might not be much else useful here! But there’s probably very little support for that particular immune disease anywhere else either.

When I first had severe symptoms and began looking into immune diseases, it was shocking to find so many out there. 🙂

Pixiellama profile image
Pixiellama in reply to charisma

Itp- Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura. It affects platelets. Platelets are what help your blood to clot.

What the doctor's have gathered, is that my spleen/autoimmune system is attacking the platelets and driving them down.

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to Pixiellama

Hi P

Yes, I looked it up and found it a few minutes after my first response above. No immune system disease is easy to cope with.

When I had Grave’s Disease in 2000, I asked the Lord how long it would be till I was healed. He said six months. And that is how long it was, taking carbimazole and slowly reducing the dose whilst resisting all pressure from my GP to get the thyroid destroyed with radioactive iodine.

But with RA in 2015, God’s response to my query as to healing was simply, ‘In my timing.’

I believe for healing. Meantime, I am very careful about what I eat eg wheat today is nothing like the original plant and its gluten is changed. But spelt has remained unchanged. So I make my bread etc with organic spelt flours.

We have to take that kind of human interference in nature into account.

Then I also try to find alternatives to harsh medications.

Where there are reliable studies that show alternatives are effective, I try those.

Right now I don’t have time to go into more detail but if you wish, PM me. Got a funeral today (nobody close but supporting a friend whose mother died). May you find the path that is right in your case. 🤗

AgedCrone profile image

I don’t know what LTP is ...what is it?

I suggest you look at Victoria the NRAS administrator’s pinned post about supplementary/complimentary medicines.

A lot of these can do a lot more harm than good by reacting with drugs you are already taking....... so if you are thinking of embarking on using any of them please do speak to your doctors first .

You don’t want to end up worse than you started out do you ?

On reading the list of Substances you have appears to include everything from health foods to biological drugs ........the latter of course can only be prescribed by a qualified medical maybe ask your doctor what he/she advises.

Sorry not to be more helpful.

nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Pixiellama. Please take heed of helix helix's & Aged Crone's replies. I wonder, did you search for Rituximab & find us here at the NRAS site? If so I would think that's pretty much all we have in common as ours supports those with Rheumatoid Arthritis/Disease & associated inflammatory autoimmune conditions. Maybe introduce yourself at the Healthunlocked ITP Support Association site, it's another UK site, I'm sure they'll be most welcoming, you'll find them here

One more thing, please do discuss in length your thoughts/wishes re complimentary/alternatives with your Haematologist/Dermatologist. Whilst they're considered to be natural that doesn't mean they can't do harm, they're potentially dangerous if used alongside traditional meds without appropriate medical advice.

I hope you get your condition under control whichever route you go.

Nanna71 profile image

Hi P - I just looked up your disease because I didn't know what it was. Pretty tough to deal with diagnosis. An autoimmune but different place of attack. Never heard of it before. Hope you do well with your program. If prednisone doesn't help anything, that's another weird thing as it has a positive effect on a number of autoimmune diseases but the cost in side effects is pretty high with some.

I have read the Bible through about 25 or 30 times (lost count) and the only thing I have taken away from it is that food is for the belly and the belly is for food, so our health is dependent on food as without it we die. There is no mention anywhere that I can think of, of a plant being a cure for anything. Well, except at the end of all things - the tree with the leaves for the healing of the nations, which is not here now.

I believe that God gave us the wherewithall between our ears to learn how to combat diseases with his help. And to learn that there are, for example, mushrooms that can kill you from eating just one and mushrooms that are good for food. Well, that's not the only thing I learned from the Scriptures, but I mean about food. Oh, and also that a land of milk and honey is blessing upon blessing. There's a few other stories dealing with food too but look how much I babble on. Sorry.

In my short so far journey with RA, and PMR apparently, I have only left out cakes and cookies from my diet as with pred. appetite and weight gain seems inevitable. I make my own bread, soups, and grow vegies outside like tomatoes, beans, beets, carrots etc. I drink coffee and tea and a ton of water. I'm 72 and hoping for remission when one year is up, in November. Oh, and I eat meat, whatever I can afford or shoot, now that I can use my rifle again. Wish you well, and God bless.

Pixiellama profile image
Pixiellama in reply to Nanna71

Thankyou for your reply. I honestly enjoyed reading your comment, and could read you babble on and on. 😊

Wobblyone profile image

Hello Pixiellama. I also have ITP, along with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I presume you also have RA, which is why you're here. We're a bit of a rarity, so I understand from my rheumatologist and haematologist.

I have been fortunate in that huge doses of steroids have brought my platelet count back up to a normal level, but am now waiting to be put on Rituximab, which should treat both the ITP and RA. I haven't been able to have it yet as I've been having constant kidney infections due to stones, which were the result of having huge doses of calcium to counteract the effects of the steroids. Such is the joy of auto-immune diseases, there's always another tablet to take to remedy the damage done by the last one!

I really don't think diet is going to help you with this. Even if you can find something that'll increase your platelet count, your body will just kill them off anyway. I had to have platelet transfusions when I first had mine, and my body was killing them off as quickly as they could pump them into me.

I think you need to listen to your doctors and take the Rituximab. As soon as I've had my kidney stone surgery on the 14th of next month I'm going to be straight on it!

Good luck!

Tiverland profile image

Interesting. You say avoid citrus fruits oranges and lemon. Avoid onion and garlic. Yet other natural sites tell you this fight inflammation . You don’t mention natural turmeric. I’ve just started to increase these and trying a gluten free diet. Along with my meds. To see if this will help. Exercise is a must. Just wish I had more time to keep this up regularly. know it hard some days but keep positive everyone.

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