I started Champix on 20th January this year, had my last ciggie on day 1, completed the full 3 month course of champix along with support sessions with Zara, my smoking cessation nurse once a fortnight and here I am 5 months on still smoke free, slightly heavier but much more healthy. I have started walking and do around 15,000 steps a day to try and shift some weight but I don't have any cravings for the fags at all. I feel so free from that addiction, I still see Zara, we have a bit of a gossip and she's helped me with a few other issues I have had along the way. I'm so pleased I decided this year was the year to give it up, I got my honours degree and a promotion at work and start a post graduate degree in September. I don't stink, and I can taste my food, all in all a win win situation. Just thought I'd share my progress
5 months and still off the fags!: I started... - No Smoking Day
5 months and still off the fags!

Wonderful post...Thank you and well done !!

Well done x

All wonderful news Skyelady, thanks for sharing!

Hey Skyelady - over 100 days smoke free now and almost at your big milestone of 6 months, how are you getting on now?
Doing well Roisin, no cravings at all,still meeting with my smoking cessation nurse once a month, more for a chin wag really. My current issue is my expanded waistband. I don't think I've ever been this fat. I even got my thyroid checked just in case it was that, but no, I'm just a fat bird...lol. Any tips on losing this weight would be gratefully accepted
Hey I went and got my thyroid tested same reason. Haven't heard back so I guess it's just age and quitting smoking for me. I am still running trying to kick start that metabolism.
I have started walking most days doing around 4 miles in total a day, but the bulk is still there. Running is not going to happen with me. I'd just end up flat on my face...lol. anyway I'll keep walking and try to watch my portions and snacking, harder than it seems. Stopping smoking and the menopause have certainly had an impact
Hey Skyelady , I'm good thanks! I was crazy busy working and doing my novelty cakes there for the last few months but things have quietened down now, typical, its like a feast or a famine - doing temp Chef work in 2 local Residential homes for the elderly and disabled....
Everyone puts on some weight when we stop smoking as everything tastes so good now and our metabolism slows down. You are taking the right steps to address it but don't get bothered about it at the moment as they say it takes 1 to 2 years after stopping for your body and metabolism to get back to normal. Keep up the walking, drinking plenty of water and avoid sugary and starchy foods and only have as treats rather than feeding the void from not smoking. I started only in the last few months not buying junk food in my weekly shop - out of sight, out of mind!
Delighted you are doing good, well done!!