Hi everyone. Not spoke in a few days so thought I'd catch up! Hope you've all stayed strong and battled on!
Well... I finally did it.. I've been smoke free since the 24th March, 12 days today! Leading up to the 24th I was only smoking one or 2 cigs a day max, and although I didn't actually choose a quit day, it seemed to choose me. That day I just didn't buy more cigs when I ran out.
Since quitting I have had a very stressful time with family ups and downs, and have also had several glasses of wine. It seems I am lucky enough not to crave a cigarette with alcohol as there have been times I really needed a drink!
I have also been surprised by the fact that for the first time ever (reference previous quit attempts) I have spent my days and evenings without an emergency pack of cigs. Something I always previously had to hand just in case... I finished my last pack Friday 24th determined I was not going to spend another penny on cigarettes. I expected to find this difficult as this was me letting go of my security blanket, but no, I haven't really noticed. Maybe this is because on my two previous attempts to quit I was using NRT so was still both craving and replacing nicotine. I don't know, but it's a great feeling surviving that dependency!
My Champix side effects.. I am still sleeping well and more tired than usual during the day, this just means an early night and even more sleep :). Its not as bad as it was the first two weeks, and the constant starvation has settled down too so I'm back to eating normally! Occasionally I can feel queasy after taking the first tablet now but its so infrequent and lasts only a minute. I did have a week of stomach upsets recently too, which I'm sure was the Champix, and I think I've been a little quieter than normal. All in all nothing really to complain about.
I know I can't take the credit for starting on my quit journey. Champix has worked REALLY really well for me and I would not be here 12 days smoke free without it! I will definitely be doing the full 12 weeks at least... I don't want a relapse. This is my last chance at stopping and I MUST do it...
You have all helped me prepare too, with your great advice and support, so a big thank you!
My concern now is still to come. How did you feel when you came of Champix..? I have read you should do it gradually and that the cravings can return? Surely after 3 or more months smoke free the cravings would have gone..?
Viv xx