Champix AND Allen Carr - good or bad idea? - No Smoking Day

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Champix AND Allen Carr - good or bad idea?

MissConception profile image
MissConception1 Year Smoke Free
11 Replies

Hello all

I gave up smoking for 12 years having smoked for 14 years using Allen Carr's method. It was great as I'd tried everything else. When i stupidly got hooked again last year (strange year - long story) i tried almost immediately to give up again with Allen. It didn't work. Did a bit of research and Champix seemed like a good option. I'm on day 4 and finding its really really helping with cravings and desire although my actual quit day is day 10. After reading about others' experiences with Champix on here, it seems to me that lots of people still want to 'enjoy' doing even though the nicotine doesn't work. That's when i thought combining Allen Carr with champix might be quite effective. I know Allen would be against this idea but I'm a rebel... ☺ Anyone have any thoughts?

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MissConception profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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11 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community MissConception and well done on getting back on horse to being smoke free again... I stopped smoking over 2 years ago cold turkey but 12 years previously I stopped after reading Allen Carr, started again a year later when out and after about a month was back full swing smoking, tried reading the book again over the years but didn't work so bit the bullet in the early hours after gasping for breath and smoked my last cigarette.

We have several members here that have successfully long term stopped using champix, it does work to take the edge of the cravings but you are doing most of the work yourself, I don't think there is any harm at all reading the book while on champix, might actually help with the mental battle when you put out your last cigarette....

Continue to read up here and elsewhere and we look forward to seeing your Day 1 post very soon :)

MissConception profile image
MissConception1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Yep... Doesn't seem to help a relapse does it. I'm finding Champix fantastic though. Felt the difference after the first tablet. Had no nausea but have had the sleep disruption but I can live with that. Today was day two no fags. I'm feeling better already and psychologically I'm feeling relieved as though I can really do this.

Exsmo profile image

I used champix and was curious about the book so got it from library. Interesting but i dont know how you quit w just the book (rebel here too) Am off chantix now bc time was up, but it helped me at hardest first part.

Do what works for you to kick nicodemons butt ;)

MissConception profile image
MissConception1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Exsmo

Ooh great news... How long have you been 'clean' now?

MissConception profile image
MissConception1 Year Smoke Free in reply to MissConception

Soz!! Just seen 100 days. Wow!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to MissConception

Huge congratulations on Day 2, that is really great you have stopped so early on in your champix dose - well done :) Your milestone badge is on its way!

With regards nicotine withdrawal - it only takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system (presume the 3 weeks you mentioned was a typo, if not, Mr Carr was very wrong :D )

Below is a link to some pinned posts worth a read if not already done so:

We look forward to reading your progress updates....

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to MissConception

Am sorry didn't see your post in notifications Miss Conception. Jan 30 will be 4months and 1day. Ive been off champix for a month. Its a whole new life. Smoked 35 years. Was still a child when i started so i know i'll have a lot of triggers to grow through this first year. I plan on staying close here. I hope you do too. That way you're never alone in your quit. Help truly is a click away. Wonderful people here. Am very glad youve joined us & congrats on 2days. You're doing it! Keep up the great work:)

Rachy741 profile image
Rachy741Valued Contributor


I am on day nine with champix and down to two a day, I also read Alan Carr (when starting champix), a lot of rebels floating around I think! His points were interesting and made me think a lot about my perceptions of smoking and what it does/doesn't do for you but it didn't work in the way I hoped. I had dreamed I would simply stop and that would be that, pipe dream I know!

I really don't think there's any harm mixing up the methods and doing whatever suits you best. There is no 'one size fits all' plan for this.

I am getting ready to quit entirely on day 12 and from then on hopefully my new knowledge and understanding coupled with the champix will be enough to see me through.

No harm in having an extra weapon in this fight! 😂

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Rachy741

Good to hear from you Rachy741 - that is great you are down to 2 a day, won't be long now until your will posting that you have begun your smoke free journey :)

MissConception profile image
MissConception1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Rachy741

Best of luck on your quit date Rachy!

MissConception profile image
MissConception1 Year Smoke Free

Thanks for all your results and it's great to hear your stories. I felt so rubbish after I fell in the trap again and it's good to talk to others who are trying too. This is actually the second day I've done with no nicotine bit I'm scared about how I'll feel when drinking. I've noticed a couple of trigger events but they were so much easier to ignore and move on from. Allen Carr says the nicotine is completely out of your system in three weeks from the last cig so I'm looking forward to that....

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