Hi Everyone, nearly 2 weeks on the Champix, not had a smoke for 2days. Does the sickness feeling wear off ? its horrible.
Feeling Sick: Hi Everyone, nearly 2 weeks on... - No Smoking Day
Feeling Sick

Hi hereshope
I used champix about four years ago.
I found the sickness would fade away once I’d had something to eat.
You can also feel suck around others that smoke, it is designed to put you off smoking for good.
Stick to it if you can as your doing great.
Well done on being nearly 2 weeks SmokeFree.xx
Hi hereshope, I used Champix to stop smoking and its now been 9 months for me, so stick with it. I suffered sickness with the course and was told to eat something about an hour before taking the morning tablet, it did help a little, but for me they reduced my dosage to half, I was only 6 stone at the time so the original dose was too strong for me. Once they reduced the dose I sailed through the course with no problems. Good luck x

Hi Hereshope, make sure to eat before taking the tablet should help with the sick feeling good luck x
Hope so for me - headache is the worst thing

Many thanks for your responces. I've an appointment to see the 'nurse' tomorrow, so hoping it will be ok to go back to the smaller dosage.
You're doing great. I have crackers or something bland nearby to nibble on. Seems to help when feeling sickly. Im also on champix, cutting down, almost at my quit day.
It will wear off eventually, just make sure you take it on full stomach, you doing great 👍

Welcome hereshope , congrats on 5 days smoke free now, well done! How is the sickness now?
Nausea is the most common side effect from champix, below pinned post is worth a read if not already done so:
We look forward to reading your progress

Hi, Thank you for all your help. I went back to see the 'nurse' on Wednesday and had the Champix reduced to .50mg, now only getting 1/2 sick. Still feel sickly but its more manageable now. Yup still not smoking, is 5 days now.

Stickiness does wear off. Eat plenty.

Hi, Have stopped for a week now. I'm having a couple of pieces of toast in the morning now before I take the morning tablet, its seem to have worked, but alass took it after one slice this morning so feeling a bit sicky.
The problem now is I've got a lumpy rash to the side of my arm pitts, funny thing is, on one arm its at the front on the other its at the back and a few others spread about. I'll try and get appointment with Doc tomorrow to see if its connected with the Champix. I dont want to stop taking it.

Over 50 days smoke free now hereshope - how are you getting on?