Has anyone else since quitting experienced really bad headaches and a sort of sickness in your tummy, I don't know if it's linked but I constantly have a bad headache, and I think it may be something to do with the quit? Does anyone else know more?
experiencing bad migraines and feeling very... - No Smoking Day
experiencing bad migraines and feeling very sick

Hi. Annavickaay
Your not alone.i asked for advice about coughing.coldsores.ulcers
Its all normal.and it will pass.
Be strong
It's gonna be worth it.
How long since your stop.
Can only get better.
Not much help
Keep kicking
Take care

defo agree with you thanks for the positive feedback really helps me too stay on track!

It is indeed quite normal to have symptoms while we quit, it's just our bodies reacting to not smoking, these symptoms will settle, as your body adjusts to not smoking.
Just a thought, maybe go and have a deep clean at the dentist, it truly helped me.
Doing fantastic, have faith you have made a great decision to quit, you body will thank you

Hey Anna, we tend to blame everything on our quit and it may be related (I suffered both) but it could be your pregnancy triggering these symptoms too, perhaps, check with your GP or physician to put you at ease....

Yes I quit cold turkey 20 days now........