I'm running around getting ready for my granddaughter, her hubby and 3 small children coming out for their holiday visit on Tuesday. I love them dearly and whilst it will be lovely to see them I cannot pretend that I'm not feeling anxious about coping with the massive disruption to my normally peaceful life. They have been before so I know what to expect lol. I have managed my quit so far by trying to keep calm and relaxed whenever I have felt the need to smoke, distracting myself with reading, or crotcheting and other calming activities till the urge passes I'm not going to be able to do that for the two weeks they will be here, and my grandson in law is a heavy smoker so I'm trying to find a strategy of coping without succumbing to the nicodemon during their holiday.
Feeling anxious: I'm running around getting... - No Smoking Day
Feeling anxious

Why can't you do your calming activities whilst they are visiting? Surely they're not going to be taking all your time 24/7? Lock yourself in the loo for 5minutes if necessary!
Do they know you have quit? Are they supportive? I would suggest that you ask for their support and refrain from smoking around you.
As I said in another post, you need to protect your quit by being a little selfish at times. Don't allow the addiction to use this as an excuse to give up your quit.

Hey Jean, I think you will really surprise yourself how well you will cope when your visitors arrive, now some things to remember for the next 2 weeks:
You have overcome alot more during your quit so far.
You are preparing yourself and mind to deal with it so will be easier for you
You may have a few short battles to overcome, but you will do it, I promise.
You are over 8 weeks smoke free and cannot undo all your hard work. Remember, smoking is just not an option.
Wishing you strength
I know I'll be fine really, I just have this mental picture in my head sitting in my garden enjoying the sun, glass of wine in hand and enjoying chatting to my grandson cig in hand. i know from experience now that the fear of these situations is often unfounded, during these past 9 weeks I have continued to join my smoking friends every day and have coped well, I think this anxiety is because the cigs will be in the house plus the pressure of having 3 young very boisterous noisy children and trying to make sure they all enjoy their holiday.
To be fair, having 3 young, boisterous children snapping at my ankles would have me reaching for the vodka lol ...
Abuelajeannie ,I really feel Jean you are ready and strong enough to resist the temptation, you resisted in court with your daughter gasping for a smoke. I think the disgusting smell of them while being surrounded by smokers and then there is the after smell when not surrounded by them if you know what I mean will seal it for you . Think I remember your beautiful grandson saying you smelled so much better now(?), you don't want to be stinky for these 3 little ones!
Hi Jean, I know how you feel my partner is a smoker and I know how difficult it can be, although he tries his best not to smoke around me still find it so difficult even after 10 weeks! I feel your pain but you are you doing so well and must keep this going. I look after my elderly mother and so many days, i feel like like lighting up, I know how difficult it can get,smoking will not help your stress, stay strong you have came so far, do not give in!

Firstly how very exciting to be having family visit, and yes we all feel this need to have every thing perfectly clean and tidy, in my book, for that alone is a triumph...........
For me it's all about that first day, I learned over the years to be more open, in that I mean if you say your quitting fom day one, and a times its still a little fragile, I,m almost a hundred percent, they will be more supportive, with a double bonus, it just may help the other smokers to cut down.
Without doubt, you can still keep going with your quit, it's quite marvellous what inner strength we have, when indeed those temptations come your way.
This will be a wonderful , but tiring time, little by little, big note on your fridge with days quit, will help others know just how important this is to you, if you feel the need take your self off with a little word, that for a certain moment In time, you need a quiet moment on your own to, if nothing else realise just how well your doing.
Have faith all will be well,
Doing a fantastic job, I so hope your having little rewards, you deserve them
Well done to you.

Jean, I have absolute faith in you! You will have a great time with the family - for most of the time you will probably find yourself too busy to think of smoking. Be strong - you can do this. Every challenge we rise to is another victory along the way

Morning Abuelajeannie , just a wee message to see how you are getting on with your visitors? Hope all is going well - you are probably mad busy!