I’m starting to miss cigarettes. Is this normal? At this stage I feel like I constantly have to distract myself to keep myself from sitting and smoking. It’s the fact that at times I enjoyed 5 minutes to myself out I’m starting to miss it. I feel like I can give up but feel a sadness a loss like feeling and I also feel like I’m more out of breath now than I was at the beginning is this normal?
Almost 3 weeks: I’m starting to miss... - No Smoking Day
Almost 3 weeks

Hey Leo2018 - good to hear from you
Are you off the patches? If so, how long? The feeling of loss is perfectly normal even with using NRT and will pass soon. Try deep breathing exercises and drink loads and loads of water throughout the day.
As you are almost 3 weeks you are hitting 'the blahs' or 'the Icky Threes' as your brain and body is in the thick of rewiring, repairing and recovering, see below pinned post worth a read if not already done so:
The breathless feeling may be your lungs clearing out but if it gets any worse, head to your doctor to get checked in case you have an infection coming on,
Thanks for your reply...Not off patches yet just it’s getting harder to keep distracted and very short tempered hopefully the stages will explain what’s going off
The irritability is perfectly normal too and will pass - try to get out for a bit of walk every day to clear the head and also take time out and be kind to yourself as this is needed in the early days. Stopping smoking is a HUGE achievement, always remember that

I can corroborate missing cigarettes. I am just shy of a month (27 days) and have definitely noticed that I am thinking about them more often than I was previosuly. I wouldn't call it a craving exactly, and I am not tempted to smoke, but I feel sort of a dull loss, like there is a friend I'd like to call but he/she is no longer available. And it makes sense because smoking is much more than a nicotine addiction. I think the psychological grip is much harder to deal with.
But I also think you can do it. When relationships and friendships end, it is natural to miss someone that you have shared your life with. That doesn't mean that that it was right for you. So mourn your smokes. It's ok. But dont forget to celebrate your new freedom, too.
Thank you for this. That is how I feel a sadness that I’m missing out... I know I’m not but that I’m some how missing my treat to myself. I didn’t want to smoke for ages while smoking now some how I’ve managed not to have any and now I want to smoke... it makes me feel quite depressed at times. I’m hoping time will be the healer.. are u on NRT as I’m on patches and still finding it like this.
No, I'm not on NRT. I started with Champix but reduced to half a dose, mornings only because more made me feel like I got run over by a train.
But...for me the psychological addiction has always been the hard part. I've been a "secret smoker" forever, often abstaining for days at a time when with non-smoking company only to run off and smoke the instant I had no eyes on me. NRT can't help there, so I have had to focus on changing my routines to eliminate psychological triggers or "habit" urges.
Stay strong. It's a hard road. But imagine how great it will be to finally get to the end and not have to start over again
I was at times a secret smoker. Half the people that knew me didn’t know I smoked. Also as you I would run and find my fix when I could and this has made me have to change my routines in some parts of my week...I literally try and get from one thing to the other without leaving me time to think about cigs. Good luck with your journey.

It is definitely normal, Leo. The physical addiction goes pretty quickly, but the psychological and behavioral withdrawal lasts longer. The first 3 months are the hardest, but even within this time it gradually lessens.
I really am hoping this has gone by the nice weather. I’m worried as feeling like this and still being on patches what am I going to be like later on. I just sit and miss my little treat... sounds stupid and I am still 3 weeks smoke free today and I NEVER thought I would ever get here so I keep saying to myself you can’t go back now. Thanks for the message I will keep plodding on ha ha

It comes and goes. I find it helpful to have little treats planned. When I smoked my little treat was smoking! So now it’s a meal out or a friend round for coffee, or a trip to a place of interest.And manicures. i also found I did really miss the 5 minutes peace element, so I do go off alone and find a short guided meditation on my mindfulness app.
In the early days it just seemed so wonderful that I wasn’t smoking and I would get littlebursts of pride and joy. Maybe we ought to have a ceremony every Sunday, with candles or tea or something!
Thanks for your comment. I’m starting to be exactly as you discribe above I have tried to put little treats in but this sometimes doesn’t happen and then I feel even worse. Don’t have time to myself with 2 children but maybe a manicure may help. Do these thoughts get fewer? I’m so worried about the nice weather coming and sat wanting to sit in the sun with a cig. I really need it under control by then otherwise I may fail. Just feel like I’m walking round a big mardy bum at the moment and unless I’m doing something fun or cleaning I’m being mardy. Just hoping I don’t feel this loss forever.

Oh yes the child care years. How old are your children?
Were you able to go all day without when you were smoking?
There is an app called insight timer. Has loads of different stuff, including mindful ness for kids, so I’d suggest when the thrumming, really want a fag feeling starts that you call them in and play a kids meditation to them, you’ll all get a chance to breathe and chill out and you will feel better. Honestly it is the best smoking substitute. In the world,
I’m 3 months in and definitely not thinking about cigarettes all the time. But last night I dreamed I sat on my back step and had the perfect fag. Had to reset this morning by remembering how rare they were, someone would need me or the dogs would bark, or my next door neighbour would be coughing or my best friend who hates smok8ng would come, or my husband would be hanging over me furious because we were late, and then afterwards all the do I smell business and was that the one to give me cancer.
Feel fine now. Happy to have a perfect cig in my dreams!
My children are 7 and 4 and in certain circumstances I could go 6 hours without cigs but the moment I found a chance I would take it. Not many people knew I smoked which helped so it was kind of my little therapy. But for my children a to many close family members that have died of cancer I can’t justify the money or health risks anymore. This has what made me so determined. Are you on any NRT? I have also had dreams of smoking and I woke up feeling like I’d let myself down which was good. I think I just need to keep focused. Thanks for the message back good to know we’re not alone

Hey Leo2018 , the feeling of different situations when you smoked can be cause anxiety and worry, but once you know there is potential for a craving episode and prepare to attack, you WILL get through it, I promise. When you encounter this for the first time smoke free, it will be so much easier the next time. My first summer, I could not sit out in the sun as always chained smoked when sunbathing as found it so boring. Instead, I done some painting, gardening and general tidying up. The following year I was fine sitting out as we got some cracker days of sun and too hot to do anything or than sit and enjoy it 🌻🌞☀⛱🏖
See below pinned post worth a read if not already done so:
Wow that’s a real eye opener. It’s a forever choice.. I suppose until your mind remembers a better memory without cigarettes the original memory with cigarettes will be the one that remains and that’s why you have urges so long down the line. Haven’t lots of different coping mechanisms is helping and I suppose that will continue as time goes by. Thanks for the insite.

Hi Leo
I used champix, which is not NRT, lot of people didn’t know I smokedeither, but oh dear, when a smoking window opened, I dived in, and if it shut again I would be inconsolable. Woe betide anyone who got between me and that cigarette!
I really struggle with the crisis cigarettes. I have weathered a number of storms in the last 3 months, but right now I’ve got 2 major crises going on at once, and I am lurching along in a state of continual crave.
I keep reminding myself that smoking would change nothing about my situation, apart from removing the one thing I am able to feel proud and positive about. But it is hard.
Try mindfulness, it’s helping me a lot
Hey Mummymonster , I can really empathize with life stressors and curve balls especially so early on your journey as I too experienced it with difficult family situations but surprisingly not smoking made me so much rational and determined to deal with it compared to the false sense of security from the cigarette. I promise, it will get so much easier for each one you overcome, you are doing fantastic, be proud! 😹👌💪
Hi Roisin
I know. I am trying to remember, this situation is so stressful, and It is ongoing, but I do know I will deal more rationally as a non smoker. Just taking it day by day, and if I can get thru I know one day soon I will wake up and smoking won’t be my first thought. I had a bad cold last week and couldn’t swim, and that is my fist line of defence. Swam yesterday and will swim tomorrow, and that helps.
Thanks for your concern.
Leo2018 just want to tell you that I haven’t spent 3 months feeling like this . It’s my second bad week. Rest of the time I’ve been really happy!

Just spotted the mardybum bit. Are you in the East Midlands? I am

I heard something about the "3's" of stop smoking. the hardest times to get through. 3rd day, 3rd week and 3rd month. I remember all of those were true for me. I am on the 3rd month and I don't even want to be around me...good luck. you got this!