Started Champix yesterday so now I'm on day two, had about 4 - 5 weird dreams last night which I didnt expect to have since I've only just started champix, one dream was scary but I dont remember it now, another had really revved up my anger and felt my emotions were all over the place between switching dreams. I'm going to see how tonight goes and hopefully I dont have these dreams again. When I first took champix I did feel a bit light headed for only 15 seconds so nothing too major that I couldn't deal with. So will see how today goes.
First day of Champix review: Started Champix... - No Smoking Day
First day of Champix review

Hi, I'm on day 21 of champix and still having very weird and vivid dreams, I've had a few scary ones but some really amazing ones too - try to enjoy it if you can! And if you do have disturbing ones remember they are only dreams and don't mean anything

Welcome to our community gtgurl and congratulations on the best decision of your life to stop, well done!
Vivid dreams are the most common side effects, along with nausea with taking champix but should settle down - below is a pinned post worth a read on tips with champix side effects if not already done so:
We look forward to seeing your Day 1 post very soon
Hi gtgirl stay quit with Chantix ! If you are not getting mayor medication reactions such as diarrhea, just keep going it gets so much easy ! anything is better than smoking and damaging your health
Keep it up ! 👍

I agree the after effects of this medicine is difficult but on a positive note, it is working. If you didn't have the dreams, I would say it is not working. I've taken it several times and that was my experience. So keep going. You will get past this and be on your way to a smoke free life.

gtgurl...Welcome ...and welcome to the Champix world....Nasty but working...
It is something you will learn to live with over the next 12 weeks although the effects fade after 4 to 6 weeks...(For me)
You sounds positive and are in it to win it .....!