Day 9 on Champix: Hi everyone I am new here... - No Smoking Day

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Day 9 on Champix

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free
20 Replies

Hi everyone

I am new here and wanted to say hi. I gave up smoking on 21st May (I'm on day 9) I am doing this with Champix and stopped on day 14 of Champix and up to now doing really well. I had a very stressful day yesterday and didn't smoke so I was quite proud of myself.

Is anyone else on Champix?

Monica x

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Monica1969 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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20 Replies
Putter profile image
Putter1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Monica, Congrats on day 9!!!! I started on champix but had to stop early due to some negative side effects. You’ve chosen an insanely hard but doable feat! Quitting smoking is extremely rewarding. Keep up the great work!!



Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Putter

Hi Wanda, Unfortunately my dad passed away from lung cancer in Feb this year which has been the main factor in me giving up. I have been lucky with the side effects, i've had no nausea or vivid dreams so all going good.

How long have you been quit now?

Monica x

Putter profile image
Putter1000 Days Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

So sorry to hear of your dads passing. I too have lost loved ones from this horrible disease. Keep well on your journey, remind yourself everyday that you love you and ur doing this is for you!! This group was my heart and soul for my first year quit. They are amazing ❤️ You will never be alone if you stay close!!

Today is my 2 year smoke free anniversary ☺️🎉🎈



Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Putter

Oh I will stay close by Wanda and thankyou for your kind words.

2 years today?! fantastic, Happy Anniversary :-)

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Putter

Wonderful Wanda...Huge congrats...Time really flies ...feels like yesterday welcoming you to the site and yesterday into the Penthouse...

Well done !!

Putter profile image
Putter1000 Days Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Thanks so much Hercu ❤️

Lynds1974 profile image
Lynds19746 Months Smoke Free in reply to Putter

Congratulations Putter! Did you only use Champix? I'm on Day 6 and hoping to be able to say the same thing in 2 years!

Putter profile image
Putter1000 Days Smoke Free in reply to Lynds1974

Hi Lynds, congratulations on day 6!! That’s awesome!! 👏

I used champix for a short time but stopped due to some side effects. Mostly I used this group to keep me sane and stop me from making horrible decisions! Everyone was and continues to be amazing here!! Take it slow with a sense of humor and work deeply with your breathing. I did begin a journey using essential oils within the first 6 months of quitting. I’m happy to say I’m still using them

I diffuse, injest them and sometimes just add a drop to my water:)

You got this...

Keep close



Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi Monica Welcome....Congratulations on 9 days.... I have also been one of the lucky ones to be able to quit on Champix..only side effect was bit if nausea but learned to live with it...

I am smober for 3 years in two weeks time and never wanted to smoke again...This healthy life is amazing....Still hard to forgive myself for battering my lungs and body for so many years to live in the claws of an actually useless substance like nicotine...

But glad I came to my senses..Got away with a few scars but happy....

Wishing you all the strength ...!!

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Hi Hercu, Wow..!!! I'm looking forward to saying 3 years and I will, in 3 years :-)

I personally feel Champix has been a god send, ive had an odd moment of wanting a cig but not a real craving, ive simply distracted myself. I was more worried about wanting a cig when having a drink at weekends soi went and bought an ecig with a 0% nicotine, it did help but if I'm honest, I think I picked it up 4 times all night which I thought would have been a lot more.

I'm so determined to do this for me and my kids but because of losing dad too, it was awful seeing him like that.


Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Monica1969

Sadly ..with a memory like that you must do it....and you can and you will...!!

Strongs !!

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Oh I will do it Herc, I feel so positive..!!!

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free

Hi and welcome Monica. Champix really helped me quit after many previous failed attempts. Keep going, you are doing great!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community Monica1969 - so sorry to read of the passing of your dear Dad....I have no doubt that he will be there with and helping you in this amazing journey to be smoke free!

Congratulations on over 1 week smoke free, that is a great achievement. I stopped cold turkey and heading towards 3 years in September - Hercu gave you excellent advice - stay close to us and post anytime, we will look forward to reading your progress :)

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Roisin for your kind words 🤗

I quit with Chantix .👍

For many years I kept fighting with myself not knowing how to stop ! There was not even one day I didn’t feel guilty .and by the way ,15 years ago someone told me about Chantix and I didn’t get it .I was afraid of side effects and the pill was relatively new .Now I know side effects ocurre with any quitting way and the vivid dreams are just dreams we remember easily while taking the pill .

Good for you stay quit .your health is very valuable ! Smoking related sickness is not a joke !

You are a winner ! 👍🏆

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free

Thanks Karina, I’m seeing mores d more people managing to quit with this method, it’s fantastic 😃😃

QueenSheba profile image
QueenSheba9 Months Smoke Free

Hi Monica, and welcome :)

I am also a newbie here and currently using champix, and on my 3rd week of the pills and 12 days smoke free, and this is because at some point I cut stopped taking the evening pill to avoid those weird dreams, it also works if you take the evening pill early say around 5pm. I am doing very well, I no longer get nausea suffer from constipation :( but it's a small price to pay for being smoke free and smelling lovely everyday.

I cut out the evening pill for the past 3 days and I feel better. I do think about smoking cigarettes, and I think that's normal, but I have no desire to change my thoughts into action. I also have an e-cigarette with zero nicotine juice and normally use it when I go out for drinks. I don't plan to use the e-cig for very long though because I don't want to get used to having something to play with while drinking. I wish you all the best, keep posting especially when you have bad days.

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to QueenSheba

Hi QueenSheba

I also use an ecig with no nicotine when drinking but I put it away at all other times 😃

Day 10 today and feeling pretty good and proud. I do still occasionally think about them but not in a way that I’m sad I ‘cant’ have one, it’s more of a woo hoo I don’t need one 🤗🤗

Lots of luck to you too x

markjoes profile image
markjoes1 Year Smoke Free

Hi Monica, I quit using Champix. Nearly 9 months now, was on Champix for the first 3 months. Amazing drug, didn't think it would work, but it did!

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