8th day& its been the worst so far! Im using nicotrol inhaler and wondering if anyone else has used that& any tips for me. Thanks!
8th day: 8th day& its been the worst so far... - No Smoking Day
8th day

hi Bobo64
the first week/weeks are the main times.so many different symptoms.
sorry no advice on inhaler,but I'm sure someone will be here today,but its weekend and can be bit slow here.
it will get better,just got to be strong,you are stronger than you think.
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Hi Bobo64 and welcome. I used champix, so I can't give any specific advice on the NRT inhaler. People on here have used it and someone will respond to you. In the meantime try doing a search on this sites posts to see what comes up?
Yes, the early days and weeks are so hard. I know I tried many times and failed. What worked for me this time was that I focused on what I was gaining, not losing, getting thru one day at a time, and the support from everyone here. It gets easier and the weeks roll by.
Hang in there, you can do this!!

Bob...Welcome ...Sorry no tips on the inhaler but can only say , hang on in there...You took a very good decision to quit,,,,Stick to it and wishing you all the strength..!!

Bob, It gets better over time in the long run, but in short periods swings up and down. A better day, followed up a worse day. But the worse days become less frequent and not as bad.
I used an e-cig but not familiar with inhalers. Some look the same, but I think they function differently.
Also meant to add, that when I first quit, weekends were the worst. The work routine was gone I tried to avoid drinking.
Hi bobo54 ..Stay Strong !! believe me it’s going to be easy as time goes ..Please read all the pinned posts with lots of advise ..I don’t have experience with inhaler because I quit with Chantix but I’m sure we have people here who did it ..best of luck ..I’m 7 months smoke free and I loved it!!!!
I used champix. Bobo64 you are doing so well even if it may not feel like it. These are the hardest days, but they WILL get easier the longer away from the fags.
If you can watch a clock during craves it may help to see how short they actually are. Usually only lasting 2-5 minutes.
It is hard and you may be feeling g you’ve lost your best friend. Nico demon was not your friend.
After smoking 35 years i quit (& still amazed i can say that!) Many times i had to remember the fags are like a friend who never was. One that would stab you in the back, pretend to care just to make you look foolish. Helped me not miss it anyway. Hope it may help you.
8days is awesome! I hope you’re a bit chuffed with yourself. Count up what youve saved by not buying cigs you’ll be suprised! Keep up the great work! We have faith YOU CAN DO this. Shoo you ARE doing it!😃
Don’t forget to reward yourself either. Did you @1week?
Hi, idk how you guys all took chantix! I felt like i was gonna stroke out in my sleep& felt like i was better off smoking than using that! Idky it seems like mornings are tough too! If i get to noon im good, but b4 that...........
Looking back i dont either. Def had side effects. Its not as bad for everyone tho. Am grateful for it & ever more grateful to be off it. I don’t think everyone needs a full dose either. I couldnt take whole dose. If it helps i also cut a drinking straw in half & pretend smoked it for hand to mouth thing. Do you get that with inhaler or do you just get so many puffs a day? Ive never seen the inhalers. Nice bike.
Also i didnt really reward myself at a week but the bike you see in my profile pic, i had bought like a week b4 my quit, so my cig money will be making the pymts on that!
We have a few bikers here if you want to compare stories with Nozmo Hidden
Cool thank you! Closing in on 2 weeks now(day 13) have started to wean off on inhaler now, chewing toothpicks some.
That's great Bobo64 on 13 days and starting to wean off the inhaler, well done 💪
another biker 😁
cant really see bike (Mobil phone,not good with pics)
were getting ready for a egg run,1000 bikes signed up at min and growing daily,great fun.
you take care 😊
keep kicking 😁

Welcome Bobo64 and congratulations on over 1 week smoke free, that is great, well done!
We have had a few members that posted here that stopped smoking with the nicotine inhalors and sprays and unfortunately got addicted to it - here are a some recent members that posted that I will tag now that may offer some advice for you (can click on their name and will bring you in to their posts/replies...)
Keep in touch with us and let us know how you are getting on..
Thank you!
How are you getting on now Bobo64 - did you find any help from the other members using the inhalers/mist?
No didnt really get any answers on inhaler but doin pretty good, 11 days now!
Ah well done on 11 days, suppose its like any aid, when comfortable and strong in your smoke free journey, plan and start to wean yourself off it, last thing you want is to replace one addiction for another, post when you can to let us know how you are getting on
I've just quit again. 3rd day going strong 💪 I’m using my nrt inhaler and it’s going ok at the moment. Using chewing gum too. Takes will power definitely but I got this 👍🏻