My name is Kate, and I've been smoking for almost 2 years. After A LOT of failed attempts (close to 100) I decided it's time to quit for real. One thing is, I have asthma and smoking really just makes it worse. So I'm guessing it's the right moment to quit. Let's just hope it works this time!
First day: My name is Kate, and I've been... - No Smoking Day
First day

Hello Kate, I remember you from the old forum (great username!)
Smoking and asthma are a bad combination so you're making the right choice.
Have you started your quit already or have you planned a date to stop? What method are you going to use? (cold turkey, patches etc) What has happened in your previous quits that has caused them to break down?
Sorry to sound like a call centre selection system, just trying to get a bit more information so people with similar experience can help you along
Yes, today is my first day of quitting smoking. I quit cold turkey since it's the method I prefer and the other methods haven't really worked out for me before. One major trigger during my last attempts was seeing my friends smoke, or even just a random person. That made me miss the times when I'd smoke and things would get rough so I'd start smoking again. But this time I hope it'll be different!
Thanks for the interestig questions! 😊
No problems, glad to see you're already into it!
I understand what you mean about seeing other people smoke, that used to torture me! It gets much easier the longer you go on though. In the meantime try to avoid mixing with other smokers as much as possible (not easy, I know).
Keep on posting if you're finding it hard - somebody on here will see it and help you out. Best wishes, keep busy, focus on the things you don't like about smoking!!!
Hello Kate
Nazmo is right.
You get support and advice on here.
I m 54 smoked since 15.
I'm doing great.
You are doing a great thing.taking your life back.
You can do strong.keep posting.
Keep kicking
Take care
If you fall.get back up and start again.

Just popping in, to say hi, fantastic your quitting, sit tight to the forum ( like me) it really helps.
If your at breaking point, please post and wait for three replies, before doing anything, it helps to know people are there.
Well done you😀

Ah welcome back Minimal, delighted to read your post and that you are back on the horse. You know what you have to do, you can do it! Once you get over a big trigger, you will do it again and will be much easier. Strongs xx
Today was pretty good and easy, since I stood inside all day! Had a few cravings, but I convinced myself not to give in yet. Haha, let's hope tomorrow will be just as good!