New day. : I've decided I need to post every... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New day.

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free
10 Replies

I've decided I need to post every day, if only for the reason, I can read, and then read more, how others are doing, I,m sure this will help me.

On reflection of Saturday/Sunday morning, I've realised, well as much as I can, that it was very easy indeed to buy, ( nasty items). So I need to be stronger in my resolve, and as silly as this sounds from a adult (not that I like being a adult, you have to behave to a degree, don't you?) I,m not taking cash out this week,. so if I have no cash. For this first week. Not much I can buy.

Hoping all is well. Stay strong, you lovely people

When do you go away Roisin?

Written by
Tracey3 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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10 Replies
FordyP profile image
FordyP3 Years Smoke Free

Tracey3 keep posting as much as you need to - we are all rooting for you

Linda545 profile image

Anything that you feels helps you stay quit and reinforces your resolve can only be good Tracey and I'm glad you've bounced back again.

Being one of the world's worst serial quitters I think I must have read everything there is to know about why we shouldn't smoke and to be honest everything I've read and learned is just pure common sense. I like to pretend to myself that I've got plenty of that and yet here I am still trying to get rid of my smoking habit after years of practice. I look at all the people I know who gave up smoking years ago and ask myself why I can't be the same.

The answer of course is simple - it's just plain lack of willpower and stupidity. I'm not kidding myself anymore, the reason I'm still here is my own fault. I have to have the strength and determination to prove that I mean what I say by simply not giving up on my attempts to stay quit whenever the urge takes me.

I've faced up to the fact that I like smoking even though I hate the habit with a passion. I won't admit to being addicted to it (I probably am) but it's something that I've trained myself to think that I need and I've allowed it to get a hold over me. It has to stop and I have to make it happen. I can't blame anyone or anything else for my weakness because there are no excuses, my failures are all down to me.

I've been back on the quit bus for a couple of weeks now and I mean to stay so I'm hoping my actions will speak louder than my words this time. I know it's up to me.

Sorry everyone for sharing this rant on here but I'm so fed up with myself for making something that should be so easy so hard. I've just got to remember to say NOPE from now on - and stick to it.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Linda545

It was a GOOD rant though Linda. Nice to hear you sounding so determined.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Great post Linda and an inspiring rant for our Lionesses to read, keep up this desire and determination and you WILL get your sticky quit, I promise...

Linda545 profile image
Linda545 in reply to Nozmo

I always 'sound' determined Nozmo and sorry again for the rant but sometimes when I think about this whole quit thing it makes me so mad with myself. To be back at the starting point again after 10 months quit is mad but all I did was give in to one of those times when my thoughts drifted back to smoking. I knew what I was doing when I broke my quit and for some reason I just let myself down. I won't pretend it didn't give me some relief at the time but it was so short lived and what's done can't be undone. It was so stupid though and I wish I'd had more sense.

No excuses - I hadn't had a drink and wasn't any more stressed than I usually am lol but even if I had been a cigarette wouldn't have been the answer.

I'm determined not to make the same mistake again in a hurry or ever for that matter but I have to stop being such a fool to myself.

Keeping my quit in perspective though and trying not to let it rule my life but if I'm honest it would make me feel so good about myself if I could reach the point where I could honestly say with conviction that my smoking days (and especially thoughts) were over. I think I'm still at the wishful thinking stage but I live in hope that I can make it happen soon.

Hope all's well in your world.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Linda545

I think that's the Holy Grail. I'm not there either but, as you say, it would nice to be able to say it and mean it.

Take it easy Linda.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Whatever keeps you going as much as you like.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome back Lioness, do whatever it takes for you not to smoke...

If not already done so, I would suggest writing down in large bold writing your reasons for quitting (I have no doubt your little buddy will be on it) and stick it around the main rooms in your house that you use, stick up at work (if possible) and even to your purse that you will see it when you open it up. I done it and it got me through the first month or so to keep reading it....

I am heading to Vienna next Tuesday 2nd, just doing stuff around Ireland this week, heading to the largest Titanic exhibition in the world in Belfast tomorrow.

Eire_Cailin75 profile image
Eire_Cailin756 Months Smoke Free

How are you getting on Tracey?

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free

Back home from work, what a day, will be glad when this week is over work wise.

But am doing ok so far.

I just need to keep going

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