Hi everyone! I’m 29 years old and I’m on day 21 of my quit after 11 years smoking about 25 a day 😣 it’s getting tougher now I’m extremely tired all the time and my skin has broken out ....I look and feel rubbish. I guess I was expecting quitting to do the opposite anyways I found this group when I was googling my symptoms and am really excited to find others that are on the same journey whilst being so encouraging and supportive. Has anyone else here had the same symptoms as above and how long did they last?
Hi and help!!: Hi everyone! I’m 29 years old... - No Smoking Day
Hi and help!!

Hi jane firstly congrats on quitting smoking 👍🏻👏🏻 In response to your question i think everyones bodies cope differently but I'd say most go thru that tired stage feeling lafargic etc im just using my inhaler and buy some chewing gum from the shops. I do roofing in the day. I train around 4/5pm in the gym. Key for me is stay active after work otherwise it's easy for me to feel tired almost doze off on the sofa. So relax it's normal. Try having a few bananas when you feel tired all the best jane.
How are you getting on now Dean1981 ?
Hi roisin. Im not smoking all week but smoke when I have a drink at the weekends. So maybe i might go tea total for a while. Dont want to be a weekend offender
hi JanaProffit
sorry to hear your not feeling good.
we all have different symptoms,mine was mouth ulcers.
if your run down could possibly give you spots.
and run down is tiering ,maybe a good vitamin.
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Huge welcome to our community JanaProffit and congratulations on 21 days smoke free, well done!
What you are experiencing at the moment is perfectly normal, it is known as 'the blahs' - see pinned post below...
It will improve and pass soon (everyone's withdrawals and how long they last is different). Drink loads of water and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, this will help with the skin but take it as a good sign that your body is working hard to clear out the toxins from smoking.
Below is another pinned post worth a read if not already done so:
We look forward to reading your progress, post any time
Thank you Roisin01 I have upped my water intake the last week and watched what I have been eating it’s been so so tough but I’m still going strong feeling better today thank you again for your support!
How are you getting on JanaProffit - 50 days today!
Hi Roisin01, thank you for the badge update!! It’s still crazy to think that I have made it this far, the vape has been so helpful, this past week I have noticed I am forgetting to use it so just letting myself naturally wean off it I am feeling so proud of myself at the moment ! It’s been a good week

Jana...Welcome and yes what you are experiencing is totally normal when you quit and that is what nobody tells us... We only hear how good we will be feeling but were never told that rats will gnaw on our brains and we will live in a fog for a few weeks....
BUT...after that... life, the way it should be really begins....When..? I wish I could tell but it just happened and when I came aware that the light in the tunnel is not the train coming the new life was onto me...Rediscovering the things that was behind the smoke screen surrounding us for years was the most amazing experience for me...
Stay strong it does get better...!!
Thank you Hercu! Yes I watched and read about all the miracles that happen and religiously followed the ‘what is happening every hour day minute’ etc that you don’t smoke .... and wondered why I felt and looked the complete opposite haha but after being on here and reading everyone’s journey I realise we are all going through the same but different crazy journey

Its a struggle had nausea and stomach problems still crave but it gors away hang in there x

How is things now JanaProffit ?
Hi Roisin01 I’m still here ! I hung around in the background the last week just miserable and feeling sorry for myself trying to be healthy eating and drink water etc , I started vaping to ease the craving of the ‘habit’ side and it has helped immensely proud to say it’s been 4 weeks as of yesterday 😊 thank you for checking in
Hey JanaProffit - good to read you are still smoke free - 2 days away from your huge milestone of 1 month
Are you vaping with 0% nicotine?
Welcome JanaProffit yes i got very groggt at 1month. Its the body healing itself. All kinds of processes going on under ther surface. It lasted about a month. I was on champix and have reactions to many meda so unsure id it was all due ro smoking. Its just a phase that you Will get through. May i ask if youve gone cold turkey or are using an aid to quit?

Hi Exsmo I am using vaping now to ease the cravings and it has worked wonders I’m still smoke free and after getting past that 3 week mark which was just brutal in all aspects I am feeling much more positive 🙂 congrats on your quit and thank you for your support it is very appreciated!
A good pinned post to read is the icky 3s. If not already read, it is a quit saving, must read. @3months i had awful craves dor about 4days off & on. Was not un expected thankfully. Had i not known beforehand i may have caved. Knowledge truly is power. How are you doing now?
Hi Exsmo Thank you I will go and check that out! I wish I had known it hits you like truck if your not expecting it 😣 I’m still going good I have been feeling good and keeping the vape near by although I haven’t thought about it too much today it’s been a nice change, how are things going for you? Congrats on 100 days ! 😊
Hey JanaProffit , I attached the link to the 'Icky Threes' post Exsmo is talking about on my initial reply to you above, along with a post on tips on quitting - these are all under pinned posts if you want to have a look through them...
Thats good that the e-cig is 0% nicotine, just be careful that you don't get dependent on using it for the hand to mouth as when further on and stronger in your smoke free journey it will be something that you have wean yourself off after breaking the smoking habit during your first 21 days....
PS Another good pinned post worth a read if not already done so:

Hang in there it gets better I am still not smoking the craves are still there but they fade be strong you go girl
Congrats on 50+ days 2018ns4me thats quite an accomplishment! Keep ip the great work. Awesome you’re already willing to help others too. That’s what helps make this site work.

Thank you !! After last week I’m feeling so much more in control and positive 🙂 congrats on your milestone can’t wait to get there too !