Missed Optimum Quit Time Champix? - No Smoking Day

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Missed Optimum Quit Time Champix?

Clolou profile image
Clolou9 Months Smoke Free
13 Replies

Hi all,

I’m on day 14 of champix, I tried them before years ago and they made me too tired and I stopped. This time I figured being tired for a few months was worth it to quit.

No real side effects other than tiredness and headaches, was also feeling sick when taking them but this has stopped since day 12 (I have started having a large glass of water which does the trick!)

Anyhoo, around day 6-8 I really was disliking smoking and forgetting to go for cig breaks and generally not enjoying it - however, the nurse had told me to quit st day 14 so mentally I wasn’t quite ready. Now smoking isn’t as bad as those few days I’m worried I’ve missed my window :(

Tomorrow is supposed to be quit day, I’ve hardly any tobacco left anyway so it will be but has anyone else experienced this? Will I still be OK tomorrow?!

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Clolou profile image
9 Months Smoke Free
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13 Replies

Hi Clolou and a warm welcome to our community .

I didn’t quit on my 14 day of chantix I did it like in my 18th day ..but I was only smoking one a day at that point of treatment and cigs were starting to taste like gasoline to me .and I’m not exaggerating ..

I remember the last time I smoke I was nauseous and I couldn’t even finish it .Now I’m 11 months cigs free and I feel amazing and I’m so proud of myself more than ever before ..

Stay strong you will see as days goes by you will not miss smoking anymore! Good job stay strong with Chantix ..it’s a great treatment !

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Clolou...Welcome.... It is not that you will be hanged if you do not stop at day 14....It is the recommended time to quit...you can stop whenever you like day 2 or 20 but keep on taking the tablets..

You must quit when you are ready ...no need to put pressure on yourself...You already has taken the step to quit and you will because you wanted to...Just by taking Champix with all the horror stories shows that you want to quit...

Champix does what nicotine did when we smoked...where nicotine hijacked the dopamine receptors, Champix mimics nicotine and the receptors still read it as nicotine...That's why it feels like you have smoked to much after few cigarettes...but as an addiction is...we started smoking half a pack per day and smoked more and more...you might get used to Champix with smoking and loose the advantage...

Try and reduce gradually again and you will feel when to stop...Just do not wait for the effect of Champix...remember it does not make you stop..you must stop and Champix will help...!

Stay strong...it is worth it..!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome to our community Clolou - can't add any further advice given to you by Karina & Hercu other than to reiterate that it is YOU that is in control of stopping not the champix - it just helps to take the edge off.

Did you stop yesterday? If so, how are you getting on, if not, don't panic, set another date, prepare yourself, read up as much as you can, especially the pinned posts, which help alot but above all, stay close to us, we are here to help in whatever we can :)

Clolou profile image
Clolou9 Months Smoke Free

Hi everyone and thanks so much for taking the time to reply.

I stopped yesterday and haven’t had a cig since 5pm Sunday. I have had an e-cigarette with 0% nicotine in just for the motion of inhaling but I haven’t been having it a lot, perhaps twice today when the I felt a bit of a craving.

I haven’t really had bad cravings as such but when I’m not occupied I find I’m thinking about it a LOT but I can get a bit like this with thoughts so I’ve been keeping busy or watching TV or reading to keep my mind busy!

I’m hoping the preoccupation will ease off in the next few days 😊🙃

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Clolou

Ah huge well done Clolou and congratulations on almost 1 week smoke free, plan that treat :P

Continue to keep busy and post anytime especially if struggling :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

1 week today Clolou - hope things are continuing to go well for you?

Clolou profile image
Clolou9 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hi Roisin,

Great thank you, no smoking (still a bit of 0% e liquid occasionally but not often at all).

Few physical symptoms (tense jaw) and other things (that are maybe a bit too much information 😂) but I’m doing ok.

I’m slightly apprehensive about what will happen at the end of the champix and whether that’s what’s holding me together at the moment but I have another 9 weeks of it so I’m not worrying about that yet!

I wish they could invent a champix for eating though! :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Clolou

Ah well done Clolou - try not to worry too much about when the course of champix is finished as YOU are doing all the work, the champix just takes the nicotine withdrawal edge but not the mental battle, you are on your own with that.

Enjoy your new found taste and smell, it is great to be able to taste and enjoy food properly, again this is nothing to worry about at the moment, if needs be, can be addressed when stronger in your journey.

Keep up the great work!

PS Might be worth a trip to your dentist if you can for a check up as smoking masks alot of things and gums and teeth are one of them, I waited a year and a half after I stopped to go and had moderate gum disease and had to get 2 root canal fillings which set me back €1,000 :O

Clolou profile image
Clolou9 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you so much for all the advice, I don’t know where you find the energies to help so many people but it’s a gift!

I will be sure to keep an eye on my teeth, I can’t believe all the effects of smoking that you just aren’t aware of when you’re doing it!

Take care and thank you once again, you are really appreciated and I’m sure that’s not just by me. Best wishes 🌟⭐️

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Clolou

Ah thanks for your lovely words Clolou :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

1 month now Clolou - how are you getting on?

Lynds1974 profile image
Lynds19746 Months Smoke Free

Hi Clolou! I know exactly how you feel. I'm on day 12 and feel like the Champix was "stronger" for me on day 6 or 7. I've been told to just keep going and not to put too much pressure on the quit day. I've spoken to a few people telling them that I'm concerned that it's just not working for me since I'm on day 12 and even though cigs are starting to taste really yucky again I feel as well that I've "missed my window". I was told from a few friends that it took a few weeks to kick in for them. I'm not giving up and I'm sure it will happen for me! I have willpower! So do you :)

PS... just today I've noticed that the smell of the smoke (especially after I put one out) is really revolting me. ESPECIALLY the smell on my fingers... made me nauseous. It's almost like I'm smoking to see if the next smoke I have makes me sick "this time". I've cut down, but I just want to be smoke free... we'll get there!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Lynds1974

It will happen Lynds1974 - keep doing what you are doing. Looks like we will be seeing your Day 1 post very soon :)

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