Hi all,
I’m on day 14 of champix, I tried them before years ago and they made me too tired and I stopped. This time I figured being tired for a few months was worth it to quit.
No real side effects other than tiredness and headaches, was also feeling sick when taking them but this has stopped since day 12 (I have started having a large glass of water which does the trick!)
Anyhoo, around day 6-8 I really was disliking smoking and forgetting to go for cig breaks and generally not enjoying it - however, the nurse had told me to quit st day 14 so mentally I wasn’t quite ready. Now smoking isn’t as bad as those few days I’m worried I’ve missed my window
Tomorrow is supposed to be quit day, I’ve hardly any tobacco left anyway so it will be but has anyone else experienced this? Will I still be OK tomorrow?!