Today, day 37. Never was I worse than today, not even in the very beginning! I am craving a cigarette desperately. I spent the day drinking water, exercising, walking on the beach... nothing helped.
I see myself in the future and wonder how can I live without smoking. I know this may sound stupid, and you will tell me things like "cigarettes will kill you, they won't give you life". I know you will say that, because I'm saying the same to myself, but this is all irrational. Rational and irrational at the same time.
This is triggered by stress probably -- too many things to do, too many commitments and in this last month I practically didn't work because I was half-dazed worrying about myself and my struggle with smoking, but today in the morning, I realized I'm backward with a lot of things and there's deadlines, etc etc...
Any advices, my friends? Thank you!
ana luisa